carl  25.02
Computer ARithmetic Library
carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P > Class Template Reference

#include <FactorizedPolynomial.h>

Collaboration diagram for carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >:

Public Types

enum  ConstructorOperation : unsigned { ADD , SUB , MUL , DIV }
using OrderedBy = typename P::OrderedBy
 The ordering of the terms. More...
using CoeffType = typename P::CoeffType
 Type of the coefficients. More...
using TermType = typename P::TermType
 Type of the terms. More...
using MonomType = typename P::MonomType
 Type of the monomials within the terms. More...
using Policy = typename P::Policy
 Policies for this monomial. More...
using NumberType = typename UnderlyingNumberType< CoeffType >::type
 Number type within the coefficients. More...
using IntNumberType = typename IntegralType< NumberType >::type
 Integer type associated with the number type. More...
using PolyType = P
using TermsType = typename P::TermsType
using CACHE = Cache< PolynomialFactorizationPair< P > >

Public Member Functions

 FactorizedPolynomial ()
 FactorizedPolynomial (const CoeffType &)
 FactorizedPolynomial (const P &_polynomial, const std::shared_ptr< CACHE > &, bool _polyNormalized=false)
 FactorizedPolynomial (const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &)
 FactorizedPolynomial (FactorizedPolynomial< P > &&)
 FactorizedPolynomial (const std::pair< ConstructorOperation, std::vector< FactorizedPolynomial >> &_p)
 FactorizedPolynomial (Factorization< P > &&_factorization, const CoeffType &, const std::shared_ptr< CACHE > &)
 ~FactorizedPolynomial ()
FactorizedPolynomial< P > & operator= (const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &)
 Copies the given factorized polynomial. More...
 operator PolyType () const
CACHE::Ref cacheRef () const
std::shared_ptr< CACHEpCache () const
CACHEcache () const
const PolynomialFactorizationPair< P > & content () const
size_t hash () const
void setCoefficient (CoeffType coeff) const
 Set coefficient. More...
const Factorization< P > & factorization () const
const P & polynomial () const
const CoeffTypecoefficient () const
polynomialWithCoefficient () const
bool is_constant () const
bool is_one () const
bool is_zero () const
size_t nr_terms () const
 Calculates the number of terms. More...
size_t size () const
size_t complexity () const
bool is_linear () const
 Checks if the polynomial is linear. More...
template<typename C = CoeffType, EnableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
CoeffType coprime_factor () const
template<typename C = CoeffType, EnableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
CoeffType coprime_factor_without_constant () const
FactorizedPolynomial< P > coprime_coefficients () const
bool factorizedTrivially () const
void gatherVariables (std::set< carl::Variable > &_vars) const
 Iterates through all factors and their terms to find variables occurring in this polynomial. More...
std::set< VariablegatherVariables () const
CoeffType constant_part () const
 Retrieves the constant term of this polynomial or zero, if there is no constant term. More...
size_t total_degree () const
 Calculates the max. More...
CoeffType lcoeff () const
 Returns the coefficient of the leading term. More...
TermType lterm () const
 The leading term. More...
TermType trailingTerm () const
 Gives the last term according to Ordering. More...
Variable single_variable () const
 For terms with exactly one variable, get this variable. More...
bool is_univariate () const
 Checks whether only one variable occurs. More...
UnivariatePolynomial< CoeffTypetoUnivariatePolynomial () const
UnivariatePolynomial< FactorizedPolynomial< P > > toUnivariatePolynomial (Variable _var) const
bool has_constant_term () const
 Checks if the polynomial has a constant term that is not zero. More...
bool has (Variable _var) const
template<bool gatherCoeff>
VarInfo< FactorizedPolynomial< P > > var_info (Variable _var) const
template<bool gatherCoeff>
VarsInfo< FactorizedPolynomial< P > > var_info () const
VarsInfo< FactorizedPolynomial< P > > var_info () const
Definiteness definiteness (bool _fullEffort=true) const
 Retrieves information about the definiteness of the polynomial. More...
FactorizedPolynomial< P > derivative (const carl::Variable &_var, unsigned _nth=1) const
 Derivative of the factorized polynomial wrt variable x. More...
FactorizedPolynomial< P > pow (unsigned _exp) const
 Raise polynomial to the power. More...
bool sqrt (FactorizedPolynomial< P > &_result) const
 Calculates the square of this factorized polynomial if it is a square. More...
template<typename C = CoeffType, EnableIf< is_field_type< C >> = dummy>
FactorizedPolynomial< P > divideBy (const CoeffType &_divisor) const
 Divides the polynomial by the given coefficient. More...
DivisionResult< FactorizedPolynomial< P > > divideBy (const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &_divisor) const
 Calculating the quotient and the remainder, such that for a given polynomial p we have p = _divisor * quotient + remainder. More...
template<typename C = CoeffType, EnableIf< is_field_type< C >> = dummy>
bool divideBy (const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &_divisor, FactorizedPolynomial< P > &_quotient) const
 Divides the polynomial by another polynomial. More...
FactorizedPolynomial< P > operator- () const
FactorizedPolynomial< P > & operator+= (const CoeffType &_coef)
FactorizedPolynomial< P > & operator+= (const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &_fpoly)
FactorizedPolynomial< P > & operator-= (const CoeffType &_coef)
FactorizedPolynomial< P > & operator-= (const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &_fpoly)
FactorizedPolynomial< P > & operator*= (const CoeffType &_coef)
FactorizedPolynomial< P > & operator*= (const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &_fpoly)
FactorizedPolynomial< P > & operator/= (const CoeffType &_coef)
 Calculates the quotient. More...
FactorizedPolynomial< P > & operator/= (const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &_fpoly)
 Calculates the quotient. More...
FactorizedPolynomial< P > quotient (const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &_fdivisor) const
 Calculates the quotient. More...
std::string toString (bool _infix=true, bool _friendlyVarNames=true) const

Static Public Member Functions

static std::shared_ptr< CACHEchooseCache (std::shared_ptr< CACHE > _pCacheA, std::shared_ptr< CACHE > _pCacheB)
 Choose a non-null cache from two caches. More...

Private Member Functions

void rehash () const
 Updates the hash of the entry in the cache corresponding to this factorized polynomial, which is also its hash. More...
void strengthenActivity () const

Private Attributes

CACHE::Ref mCacheRef
 The reference of the entry in the cache corresponding to this factorized polynomial. More...
std::shared_ptr< CACHEmpCache
 The cache in which the actual content of this factorized polynomial is stored. More...
CoeffType mCoefficient
 Co-prime coefficient of the factorization. More...


template<typename P1 >
Factorization< P1 > gcd (const PolynomialFactorizationPair< P1 > &_pfPairA, const PolynomialFactorizationPair< P1 > &_pfPairB, Factorization< P1 > &_restA, Factorization< P1 > &_rest2B, bool &_pfPairARefined, bool &_pfPairBRefined)
template<typename P1 >
bool existsFactorization (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &fpoly)
template<typename P1 >
Coeff< P1 > distributeCoefficients (Factorization< P1 > &_factorization)
 Computes the coefficient of the factorization and sets the coefficients of all factors to 1. More...
template<typename P1 >
Factorization< P1 > commonDivisor (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fFactorizationA, const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fFactorizationB, Factorization< P1 > &_fFactorizationRestA, Factorization< P1 > &_fFactorizationRestB)
 Computes the common divisor with rest of two factorizations. More...
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > gcd (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyA, const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyB, FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyRestA, FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyRestB)
 Determines the greatest common divisor of the two given factorized polynomials. More...
template<typename P1 >
P1 computePolynomial (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpoly)
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > quotient (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyA, const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyB)
 Calculates the quotient of the polynomials. More...
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > lcm (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyA, const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyB)
 Computes the least common multiple of two given polynomials. More...
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > commonDivisor (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyA, const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyB)
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > commonMultiple (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyA, const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyB)
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > gcd (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyA, const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyB)
 Determines the greatest common divisor of the two given factorized polynomials. More...
template<typename P1 >
std::pair< FactorizedPolynomial< P1 >, FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > > lazyDiv (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyA, const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpolyB)
 Divides each of the two given factorized polynomials by their common factors of their (partial) factorization. More...
template<typename P1 >
Factors< FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > > factor (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_fpoly)
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > operator+ (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_lhs, const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_rhs)
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > operator+ (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_lhs, const typename FactorizedPolynomial< P1 >::CoeffType &_rhs)
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > operator- (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_lhs, const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_rhs)
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > operator- (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_lhs, const typename FactorizedPolynomial< P1 >::CoeffType &_rhs)
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > operator* (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_lhs, const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_rhs)
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > operator* (const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &_lhs, const typename FactorizedPolynomial< P1 >::CoeffType &_rhs)

Detailed Description

template<typename P>
class carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >

Definition at line 23 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Member Typedef Documentation


template<typename P >
using carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::CACHE = Cache<PolynomialFactorizationPair<P> >

Definition at line 48 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ CoeffType

template<typename P >
using carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::CoeffType = typename P::CoeffType

Type of the coefficients.

Definition at line 32 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ IntNumberType

template<typename P >
using carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::IntNumberType = typename IntegralType<NumberType>::type

Integer type associated with the number type.

Definition at line 42 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ MonomType

template<typename P >
using carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::MonomType = typename P::MonomType

Type of the monomials within the terms.

Definition at line 36 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ NumberType

template<typename P >
using carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::NumberType = typename UnderlyingNumberType<CoeffType>::type

Number type within the coefficients.

Definition at line 40 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ OrderedBy

template<typename P >
using carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::OrderedBy = typename P::OrderedBy

The ordering of the terms.

Definition at line 30 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ Policy

template<typename P >
using carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::Policy = typename P::Policy

Policies for this monomial.

Definition at line 38 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ PolyType

template<typename P >
using carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::PolyType = P

Definition at line 44 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ TermsType

template<typename P >
using carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::TermsType = typename P::TermsType

Definition at line 46 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ TermType

template<typename P >
using carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::TermType = typename P::TermType

Type of the terms.

Definition at line 34 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ ConstructorOperation

template<typename P >
enum carl::FactorizedPolynomial::ConstructorOperation : unsigned

Definition at line 50 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ FactorizedPolynomial() [1/7]

template<typename P >
carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::FactorizedPolynomial ( )

◆ FactorizedPolynomial() [2/7]

template<typename P >
carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::FactorizedPolynomial ( const CoeffType )

◆ FactorizedPolynomial() [3/7]

template<typename P >
carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::FactorizedPolynomial ( const P &  _polynomial,
const std::shared_ptr< CACHE > &  ,
bool  _polyNormalized = false 

◆ FactorizedPolynomial() [4/7]

template<typename P >
carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::FactorizedPolynomial ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &  )

◆ FactorizedPolynomial() [5/7]

template<typename P >
carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::FactorizedPolynomial ( FactorizedPolynomial< P > &&  )

◆ FactorizedPolynomial() [6/7]

template<typename P >
carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::FactorizedPolynomial ( const std::pair< ConstructorOperation, std::vector< FactorizedPolynomial< P > >> &  _p)

◆ FactorizedPolynomial() [7/7]

template<typename P >
carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::FactorizedPolynomial ( Factorization< P > &&  _factorization,
const CoeffType ,
const std::shared_ptr< CACHE > &   

◆ ~FactorizedPolynomial()

template<typename P >
carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::~FactorizedPolynomial ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ cache()

template<typename P >
CACHE& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::cache ( ) const
The cache used by this factorized polynomial.

Definition at line 175 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ cacheRef()

template<typename P >
CACHE::Ref carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::cacheRef ( ) const
The reference of the entry in the cache corresponding to this factorized polynomial.

Definition at line 159 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ chooseCache()

template<typename P >
static std::shared_ptr<CACHE> carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::chooseCache ( std::shared_ptr< CACHE _pCacheA,
std::shared_ptr< CACHE _pCacheB 

Choose a non-null cache from two caches.

_pCacheAFirst cache.
_pCacheBSecond cache.
A non-null cache.

Definition at line 591 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ coefficient()

template<typename P >
const CoeffType& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::coefficient ( ) const
Coefficient of the polynomial.

Definition at line 242 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ complexity()

template<typename P >
size_t carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::complexity ( ) const
An approximation of the complexity of this polynomial.

Definition at line 312 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ constant_part()

template<typename P >
CoeffType carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::constant_part ( ) const

Retrieves the constant term of this polynomial or zero, if there is no constant term.

@reiturn Constant term.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ content()

template<typename P >
const PolynomialFactorizationPair<P>& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::content ( ) const
The entry in the cache corresponding to this factorized polynomial.

Definition at line 183 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coprime_coefficients()

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P> carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::coprime_coefficients ( ) const
p * p.coprime_factor()
See also

Definition at line 362 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ coprime_factor()

template<typename P >
template<typename C = CoeffType, EnableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
CoeffType carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::coprime_factor ( ) const
The lcm of the denominators of the coefficients in p divided by the gcd of numerators of the coefficients in p.

Definition at line 346 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ coprime_factor_without_constant()

template<typename P >
template<typename C = CoeffType, EnableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
CoeffType carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::coprime_factor_without_constant ( ) const
The lcm of the denominators of the coefficients (without the constant one) in p divided by the gcd of numerators of the coefficients in p.

◆ definiteness()

template<typename P >
Definiteness carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::definiteness ( bool  _fullEffort = true) const

Retrieves information about the definiteness of the polynomial.

Definiteness of this.

◆ derivative()

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P> carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::derivative ( const carl::Variable _var,
unsigned  _nth = 1 
) const

Derivative of the factorized polynomial wrt variable x.

_varmain variable
_nthhow often should derivative be applied

only _nth == 1 is supported

we do not use factorization currently

◆ divideBy() [1/3]

template<typename P >
template<typename C = CoeffType, EnableIf< is_field_type< C >> = dummy>
FactorizedPolynomial<P> carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::divideBy ( const CoeffType _divisor) const

Divides the polynomial by the given coefficient.

Applies if the coefficients are from a field.


◆ divideBy() [2/3]

template<typename P >
DivisionResult<FactorizedPolynomial<P> > carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::divideBy ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &  _divisor) const

Calculating the quotient and the remainder, such that for a given polynomial p we have p = _divisor * quotient + remainder.

_divisorAnother polynomial
A divisionresult, holding the quotient and the remainder.
See also
Division is only defined on fields

◆ divideBy() [3/3]

template<typename P >
template<typename C = CoeffType, EnableIf< is_field_type< C >> = dummy>
bool carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::divideBy ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &  _divisor,
FactorizedPolynomial< P > &  _quotient 
) const

Divides the polynomial by another polynomial.

If the divisor divides this polynomial, quotient contains the result of the division and true is returned. Otherwise, false is returned and the content of quotient remains unchanged. Applies if the coefficients are from a field. Note that the quotient must not be *this.


◆ factorization()

template<typename P >
const Factorization<P>& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::factorization ( ) const
The factorization of this polynomial.

Definition at line 214 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ factorizedTrivially()

template<typename P >
bool carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::factorizedTrivially ( ) const
true, if this factorized polynomial, has only itself as factor.

Definition at line 376 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ gatherVariables() [1/2]

template<typename P >
std::set<Variable> carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::gatherVariables ( ) const

Definition at line 392 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ gatherVariables() [2/2]

template<typename P >
void carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::gatherVariables ( std::set< carl::Variable > &  _vars) const

Iterates through all factors and their terms to find variables occurring in this polynomial.

varsHolds the variables occurring in the polynomial at return.

Definition at line 385 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ has()

template<typename P >
bool carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::has ( Variable  _var) const
_varThe variable to check for its occurrence.
true, if the variable occurs in this term.

◆ has_constant_term()

template<typename P >
bool carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::has_constant_term ( ) const

Checks if the polynomial has a constant term that is not zero.

If there is a constant term unequal to zero.

◆ hash()

template<typename P >
size_t carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::hash ( ) const
The hash value of the entry in the cache corresponding to this factorized polynomial.

Definition at line 192 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_constant()

template<typename P >
bool carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::is_constant ( ) const
true, if the factorized polynomial is constant.

Definition at line 260 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_linear()

template<typename P >
bool carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::is_linear ( ) const

Checks if the polynomial is linear.

If this is linear.

Definition at line 330 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_one()

template<typename P >
bool carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::is_one ( ) const
true, if the factorized polynomial is one.

Definition at line 268 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_univariate()

template<typename P >
bool carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::is_univariate ( ) const

Checks whether only one variable occurs.

Notice that it might be better to use the variable information if several pieces of information are requested.

◆ is_zero()

template<typename P >
bool carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::is_zero ( ) const
true, if the factorized polynomial is zero.

Definition at line 276 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lcoeff()

template<typename P >
CoeffType carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::lcoeff ( ) const

Returns the coefficient of the leading term.

Notice that this is not defined for zero polynomials.


◆ lterm()

template<typename P >
TermType carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::lterm ( ) const

The leading term.


◆ nr_terms()

template<typename P >
size_t carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::nr_terms ( ) const

Calculates the number of terms.

(Note, that this requires to expand the factorization and, thus, can be expensive in the case that the factorization has not yet been expanded.)

the number of terms

Definition at line 286 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator PolyType()

template<typename P >
carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::operator PolyType ( ) const

Definition at line 149 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ operator*=() [1/2]

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P>& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::operator*= ( const CoeffType _coef)
_coefThe factor to multiply this factorized polynomial with.
This factorized polynomial after multiplying it with the given factor.

◆ operator*=() [2/2]

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P>& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::operator*= ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &  _fpoly)
_fpolyThe factor to multiply this factorized polynomial with.
This factorized polynomial after multiplying it with the given factor.

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P>& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::operator+= ( const CoeffType _coef)
_coefThe summand to add this factorized polynomial with.
This factorized polynomial after adding the given summand.

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P>& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::operator+= ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &  _fpoly)
_fpolyThe summand to add this factorized polynomial with.
This factorized polynomial after adding the given summand.

◆ operator-()

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P> carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::operator- ( ) const
_fpolyThe operand.
The given factorized polynomial times -1.

◆ operator-=() [1/2]

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P>& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::operator-= ( const CoeffType _coef)
_coefThe number to subtract from this factorized polynomial.
This factorized polynomial after subtracting the given number.

◆ operator-=() [2/2]

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P>& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::operator-= ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &  _fpoly)
_fpolyThe factorized polynomial to subtract from this factorized polynomial.
This factorized polynomial after adding the given factorized polynomial.

◆ operator/=() [1/2]

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P>& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::operator/= ( const CoeffType _coef)

Calculates the quotient.

Notice: the divisor has to be a factor of the polynomial.

_coefThe divisor to divide this factorized polynomial with.
This factorized polynomial after dividing it with the given divisor.

◆ operator/=() [2/2]

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P>& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::operator/= ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &  _fpoly)

Calculates the quotient.

Notice: the divisor has to be a factor of the polynomial.

_fpolyThe divisor to divide this factorized polynomial with.
This factorized polynomial after dividing it with the given divisor.

◆ operator=()

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P>& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::operator= ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &  )

Copies the given factorized polynomial.

Thefactorized polynomial to copy.
A reference to the copy of the given factorized polynomial.

◆ pCache()

template<typename P >
std::shared_ptr<CACHE> carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::pCache ( ) const
The cache used by this factorized polynomial.

Definition at line 167 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ polynomial()

template<typename P >
const P& carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::polynomial ( ) const

Definition at line 227 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ polynomialWithCoefficient()

template<typename P >
P carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::polynomialWithCoefficient ( ) const

Definition at line 247 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pow()

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P> carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::pow ( unsigned  _exp) const

Raise polynomial to the power.

_expthe exponent of the power
uses multiplication -> bad idea.

◆ quotient()

template<typename P >
FactorizedPolynomial<P> carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::quotient ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P > &  _fdivisor) const

Calculates the quotient.

Notice: the divisor has to be a factor of the polynomial.

_fdivisorThe divisor
The quotient

◆ rehash()

template<typename P >
void carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::rehash ( ) const

Updates the hash of the entry in the cache corresponding to this factorized polynomial, which is also its hash.

Definition at line 74 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setCoefficient()

template<typename P >
void carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::setCoefficient ( CoeffType  coeff) const

Set coefficient.


Definition at line 206 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ single_variable()

template<typename P >
Variable carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::single_variable ( ) const

For terms with exactly one variable, get this variable.

The only variable occuring in the term.

Definition at line 436 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ size()

template<typename P >
size_t carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::size ( ) const
A rough estimation of the size of this factorized polynomial. If it has already been expanded, the number of terms of the expanded form are returned; otherwise the number of terms in the factors.

Definition at line 295 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ sqrt()

template<typename P >
bool carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::sqrt ( FactorizedPolynomial< P > &  _result) const

Calculates the square of this factorized polynomial if it is a square.

_resultUsed to store the result in.
true, if this factorized polynomial is a square; false, otherwise.

◆ strengthenActivity()

template<typename P >
void carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::strengthenActivity ( ) const

Definition at line 80 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ toString()

template<typename P >
std::string carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::toString ( bool  _infix = true,
bool  _friendlyVarNames = true 
) const

◆ total_degree()

template<typename P >
size_t carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::total_degree ( ) const

Calculates the max.

degree over all monomials occurring in the polynomial. As the degree of the zero polynomial is $-\infty$, we assert that this polynomial is not zero. This must be checked by the caller before calling this method.

See also
[3], page 48
Total degree.

◆ toUnivariatePolynomial() [1/2]

template<typename P >
UnivariatePolynomial<CoeffType> carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::toUnivariatePolynomial ( ) const

Definition at line 451 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ toUnivariatePolynomial() [2/2]

template<typename P >
UnivariatePolynomial<FactorizedPolynomial<P> > carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::toUnivariatePolynomial ( Variable  _var) const

◆ trailingTerm()

template<typename P >
TermType carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::trailingTerm ( ) const

Gives the last term according to Ordering.

Notice that if there is a constant part, it is always trailing.


◆ var_info() [1/3]

template<typename P >
template<bool gatherCoeff>
VarsInfo<FactorizedPolynomial<P> > carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::var_info ( ) const

Definition at line 474 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ var_info() [2/3]

template<typename P >
VarsInfo<FactorizedPolynomial<P> > carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::var_info ( ) const

Definition at line 491 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ var_info() [3/3]

template<typename P >
template<bool gatherCoeff>
VarInfo<FactorizedPolynomial<P> > carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::var_info ( Variable  _var) const

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ commonDivisor [1/2]

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
Factorization<P1> commonDivisor ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fFactorizationA,
const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fFactorizationB,
Factorization< P1 > &  _fFactorizationRestA,
Factorization< P1 > &  _fFactorizationRestB 

Computes the common divisor with rest of two factorizations.

_fFactorizationAThe factorization of the first polynomial.
_fFactorizationBThe factorization of the second polynomial.
_fFactorizationRestAReturns the remaining factorization of the first polynomial without the common divisor
_fFactorizationRestBReturns the remaining factorization of the second polynomial without the common divisor
The factorization of a common divisor of the two given factorized polynomials.

◆ commonDivisor [2/2]

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial<P1> commonDivisor ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyA,
const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyB 
_fpolyAThe first factorized polynomial to compute the common divisor for.
_fpolyBThe second factorized polynomial to compute the common divisor for.
A common divisor of the two given factorized polynomials.

◆ commonMultiple

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial<P1> commonMultiple ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyA,
const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyB 
_fpolyAThe first factorized polynomial to compute the common multiple for.
_fpolyBThe second factorized polynomial to compute the common multiple for.
A common multiple of the two given factorized polynomials.

◆ computePolynomial

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
P1 computePolynomial ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpoly)
_fpolyThe factorized polynomial to retrieve the expanded polynomial for.
The polynomial (of the underlying polynomial type) when expanding the factorization of the given factorized polynomial.

◆ distributeCoefficients

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
Coeff<P1> distributeCoefficients ( Factorization< P1 > &  _factorization)

Computes the coefficient of the factorization and sets the coefficients of all factors to 1.

_factorizationThe factorization.
The coefficients of the whole factorization.

◆ existsFactorization

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
bool existsFactorization ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  fpoly)

Definition at line 87 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ factor

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
Factors<FactorizedPolynomial<P1> > factor ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpoly)
_fpolyThe polynomial to calculate the factorization for.
A factorization of this factorized polynomial. (probably finer than the one factorization() returns)

◆ gcd [1/3]

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial<P1> gcd ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyA,
const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyB 

Determines the greatest common divisor of the two given factorized polynomials.

The method exploits the partial factorization stored in the arguments and refines it. (c.f. Accelerating Parametric Probabilistic Verification, Section 4)

_fpolyAThe first factorized polynomial to compute the greatest common divisor for.
_fpolyBThe second factorized polynomial to compute the greatest common divisor for.
The greatest common divisor of the two given factorized polynomials.

◆ gcd [2/3]

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial<P1> gcd ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyA,
const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyB,
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyRestA,
FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyRestB 

Determines the greatest common divisor of the two given factorized polynomials.

The method exploits the partial factorization stored in the arguments and refines it. (c.f. Accelerating Parametric Probabilistic Verification, Section 4)

_fpolyAThe first factorized polynomial to compute the greatest common divisor for.
_fpolyBThe second factorized polynomial to compute the greatest common divisor for.
_fpolyRestAReturns the remaining part of the first factorized polynomial without the gcd.
_fpolyRestBReturns the remaining part of the second factorized polynomial without the gcd.
The greatest common divisor of the two given factorized polynomials.

◆ gcd [3/3]

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
Factorization<P1> gcd ( const PolynomialFactorizationPair< P1 > &  _pfPairA,
const PolynomialFactorizationPair< P1 > &  _pfPairB,
Factorization< P1 > &  _restA,
Factorization< P1 > &  _rest2B,
bool &  _pfPairARefined,
bool &  _pfPairBRefined 

◆ lazyDiv

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
std::pair<FactorizedPolynomial<P1>,FactorizedPolynomial<P1> > lazyDiv ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyA,
const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyB 

Divides each of the two given factorized polynomials by their common factors of their (partial) factorization.

_fpolyAThe first factorized polynomial.
_fpolyBThe second factorized polynomial.
The pair of the resulting factorized polynomials.

◆ lcm

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial<P1> lcm ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyA,
const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyB 

Computes the least common multiple of two given polynomials.

The method refines the factorization.

_fpolyAThe first factorized polynomial to compute the lcm for.
_fpolyBThe second factorized polynomial to compute the lcm for.
The lcm of the two given factorized polynomials.

◆ operator* [1/2]

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial<P1> operator* ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _lhs,
const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _rhs 

◆ operator* [2/2]

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial<P1> operator* ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _lhs,
const typename FactorizedPolynomial< P1 >::CoeffType _rhs 

◆ operator+ [1/2]

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial<P1> operator+ ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _lhs,
const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _rhs 

◆ operator+ [2/2]

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial<P1> operator+ ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _lhs,
const typename FactorizedPolynomial< P1 >::CoeffType _rhs 

◆ operator- [1/2]

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial<P1> operator- ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _lhs,
const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _rhs 

◆ operator- [2/2]

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial<P1> operator- ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _lhs,
const typename FactorizedPolynomial< P1 >::CoeffType _rhs 

◆ quotient

template<typename P >
template<typename P1 >
FactorizedPolynomial<P1> quotient ( const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyA,
const FactorizedPolynomial< P1 > &  _fpolyB 

Calculates the quotient of the polynomials.

Notice: the second polynomial has to be a factor of the first polynomial.

_fpolyAThe dividend.
_fpolyBThe divisor.
The quotient

Field Documentation

◆ mCacheRef

template<typename P >
CACHE::Ref carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::mCacheRef

The reference of the entry in the cache corresponding to this factorized polynomial.

Definition at line 58 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ mCoefficient

template<typename P >
CoeffType carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::mCoefficient

Co-prime coefficient of the factorization.

Definition at line 68 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

◆ mpCache

template<typename P >
std::shared_ptr<CACHE> carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::mpCache

The cache in which the actual content of this factorized polynomial is stored.

Definition at line 63 of file FactorizedPolynomial.h.

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