carl  25.02
Computer ARithmetic Library
Todo List
Global carl::DiophantineEquations< Integer >::solveMultivariateDiophantine (const std::vector< Polynomial > &a, const MultiPoly &c, const std::map< Variable, GFNumber< Integer >> &I, unsigned d) const
Global carl::EEA< IntegerType >::calculate_recursive (const IntegerType &a, const IntegerType &b, IntegerType &s, IntegerType &t)
a iterative implementation might be faster
Global carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::derivative (const carl::Variable &_var, unsigned _nth=1) const

only _nth == 1 is supported

we do not use factorization currently

Global carl::FactorizedPolynomial< P >::pow (unsigned _exp) const
uses multiplication -> bad idea.
Global carl::FLOAT_T< FloatType >::root (FLOAT_T &, std::size_t, CARL_RND=CARL_RND::N) const
implement root for FLOAT_T
Global carl::FLOAT_T< FloatType >::root_assign (std::size_t, CARL_RND=CARL_RND::N)
implement root_assign for FLOAT_T
Global carl::IdealDatastructureVector< Polynomial >::getDivisor (const Term< typename Polynomial::CoeffType > &t) const
delete divres ?
Global carl::IntegralType< RationalType >::type
Should any type have an integral type?
Global carl::is_integer (const GFNumber< IntegerT > &)
Implement this
Global carl::Monomial::drop_variable (Variable v) const
this should work on the shared_ptr directly. Then we could directly return this shared_ptr instead of the ugly copying.
Global carl::MultivariatePolynomial< Coeff, Ordering, Policies >::erase_term (typename TermsType::iterator pos)
find new lterm or constant term
Global carl::MultivariatePolynomial< Coeff, Ordering, Policies >::strip_lterm ()
find new lterm
Global carl::RationalFunction< Pol, AutoSimplify >::derivative (const Variable &x, unsigned nth=1) const

Currently only nth = 1 is supported

Curretnly only factorized polynomials are supported

Global carl::SortManager::exportDefinitions (std::ostream &os) const
fix this