carl  25.02
Computer ARithmetic Library
carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > Class Template Reference

This class represents a univariate polynomial with coefficients of an arbitrary type. More...

#include <UnivariatePolynomial.h>

Inheritance diagram for carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >:
Collaboration diagram for carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >:

Public Types

using NumberType = typename UnderlyingNumberType< Coefficient >::type
 The number type that is ultimately used for the coefficients. More...
using IntNumberType = typename IntegralType< NumberType >::type
 The integral type that belongs to the number type. More...
using CACHE = void
using CoeffType = Coefficient
using PolyType = UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >
using RootType = IntRepRealAlgebraicNumber< NumberType >

Public Member Functions

 UnivariatePolynomial ()=delete
 Default constructor shall not exist. More...
 UnivariatePolynomial (const UnivariatePolynomial &p)
 Copy constructor. More...
 UnivariatePolynomial (UnivariatePolynomial &&p) noexcept
 Move constructor. More...
UnivariatePolynomialoperator= (const UnivariatePolynomial &p)
 Copy assignment operator. More...
UnivariatePolynomialoperator= (UnivariatePolynomial &&p) noexcept
 Move assignment operator. More...
 UnivariatePolynomial (Variable mainVar)
 Construct a zero polynomial with the given main variable. More...
 UnivariatePolynomial (Variable mainVar, const Coefficient &coeff, std::size_t degree=0)
 Construct $ coeff \cdot mainVar^{degree} $. More...
 UnivariatePolynomial (Variable mainVar, std::initializer_list< Coefficient > coefficients)
 Construct polynomial with the given coefficients. More...
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< std::is_same< C, typename UnderlyingNumberType< C >::type >> = dummy>
 UnivariatePolynomial (Variable mainVar, std::initializer_list< typename UnderlyingNumberType< C >::type > coefficients)
 Construct polynomial with the given coefficients from the underlying number type of the coefficient type. More...
 UnivariatePolynomial (Variable mainVar, const std::vector< Coefficient > &coefficients)
 Construct polynomial with the given coefficients. More...
 UnivariatePolynomial (Variable mainVar, std::vector< Coefficient > &&coefficients)
 Construct polynomial with the given coefficients, moving the coefficients. More...
 UnivariatePolynomial (Variable mainVar, const std::map< uint, Coefficient > &coefficients)
 Construct polynomial with the given coefficients. More...
 ~UnivariatePolynomial ()=default
 Destructor. More...
bool is_zero () const
 Checks if the polynomial is equal to zero. More...
bool is_one () const
 Checks if the polynomial is equal to one. More...
UnivariatePolynomial one () const
 Creates a polynomial of value one with the same main variable. More...
const Coefficient & lcoeff () const
 Returns the leading coefficient. More...
const Coefficient & tcoeff () const
 Returns the trailing coefficient. More...
bool is_constant () const
 Checks whether the polynomial is constant with respect to the main variable. More...
bool is_linear_in_main_var () const
bool is_number () const
 Checks whether the polynomial is only a number. More...
NumberType constant_part () const
 Returns the constant part of this polynomial. More...
bool is_univariate () const
 Checks if the polynomial is univariate, that means if only one variable occurs. More...
uint degree () const
 Get the maximal exponent of the main variable. More...
uint total_degree () const
 Returns the total degree of the polynomial, that is the maximum degree of any monomial. More...
void truncate ()
 Removes the leading term from the polynomial. More...
const std::vector< Coefficient > & coefficients () const &
 Retrieves the coefficients defining this polynomial. More...
std::vector< Coefficient > & coefficients () &
 Returns the coefficients as non-const reference. More...
std::vector< Coefficient > && coefficients () &&
 Returns the coefficients as rvalue. The polynomial may be in an undefined state afterwards! More...
Variable main_var () const
 Retrieves the main variable of this polynomial. More...
bool has (Variable v) const
 Checks if the given variable occurs in the polynomial. More...
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
Coefficient coprime_factor () const
 Calculates a factor that would make the coefficients of this polynomial coprime integers. More...
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
UnderlyingNumberType< Coefficient >::type coprime_factor () const
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial< typename IntegralType< Coefficient >::type > coprime_coefficients () const
 Constructs a new polynomial that is scaled such that the coefficients are coprime. More...
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > coprime_coefficients () const
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial< typename IntegralType< Coefficient >::type > coprime_coefficients_sign_preserving () const
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > coprime_coefficients_sign_preserving () const
bool is_normal () const
 Checks whether the polynomial is unit normal. More...
UnivariatePolynomial normalized () const
 The normal part of a polynomial is the polynomial divided by the unit part. More...
Coefficient unit_part () const
 The unit part of a polynomial over a field is its leading coefficient for nonzero polynomials, and one for zero polynomials. More...
UnivariatePolynomial negate_variable () const
 Constructs a new polynomial q such that $ q(x) = p(-x) $ where p is this polynomial. More...
UnivariatePolynomial reverse_coefficients () const
 Reverse coefficients safely. More...
bool divides (const UnivariatePolynomial &divisor) const
 Checks if this polynomial is divisible by the given divisor, that is if the remainder is zero. More...
UnivariatePolynomialmod (const Coefficient &modulus)
 Replaces every coefficient c by c mod modulus. More...
UnivariatePolynomial mod (const Coefficient &modulus) const
 Constructs a new polynomial where every coefficient c is replaced by c mod modulus. More...
UnivariatePolynomial pow (std::size_t exp) const
 Returns this polynomial to the given power. More...
Coefficient evaluate (const Coefficient &value) const
carl::Sign sgn (const Coefficient &value) const
 Calculates the sign of the polynomial at some point. More...
template<typename SubstitutionType , typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_instantiation_of< MultivariatePolynomial, C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > evaluateCoefficient (const std::map< Variable, SubstitutionType > &) const
template<typename SubstitutionType , typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_instantiation_of< MultivariatePolynomial, C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > evaluateCoefficient (const std::map< Variable, SubstitutionType > &) const
template<typename T = Coefficient, EnableIf< has_normalize< T >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomialnormalizeCoefficients ()
template<typename T = Coefficient, DisableIf< has_normalize< T >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomialnormalizeCoefficients ()
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_instantiation_of< GFNumber, C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial< typename IntegralType< Coefficient >::type > to_integer_domain () const
 Works only from rationals, if the numbers are already integers. More...
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_instantiation_of< GFNumber, C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial< typename IntegralType< Coefficient >::type > to_integer_domain () const
UnivariatePolynomial< GFNumber< typename IntegralType< Coefficient >::type > > toFiniteDomain (const GaloisField< typename IntegralType< Coefficient >::type > *galoisField) const
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial< NumberTypetoNumberCoefficients () const
 Asserts that is_univariate() is true. More...
template<typename NewCoeff >
UnivariatePolynomial< NewCoeff > convert () const
template<typename NewCoeff >
UnivariatePolynomial< NewCoeff > convert (const std::function< NewCoeff(const Coefficient &)> &f) const
NumberType numeric_content (std::size_t i) const
 Returns the numeric content part of the i'th coefficient. More...
NumberType numeric_unit () const
 Returns the numeric unit part of the polynomial. More...
template<typename N = NumberType, EnableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< N >> = dummy>
UnderlyingNumberType< Coefficient >::type numeric_content () const
 Obtains the numeric content part of this polynomial. More...
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
IntNumberType main_denom () const
 Compute the main denominator of all numeric coefficients of this polynomial. More...
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
IntNumberType main_denom () const
Coefficient synthetic_division (const Coefficient &zeroOfDivisor)
bool zero_is_root () const
 Checks if zero is a real root of this polynomial. More...
bool less (const UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > &rhs, const PolynomialComparisonOrder &order=PolynomialComparisonOrder::Default) const
UnivariatePolynomial operator- () const
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
bool is_consistent () const
 Asserts that this polynomial over numeric coefficients complies with the requirements and assumptions for UnivariatePolynomial objects. More...
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
bool is_consistent () const
 Asserts that this polynomial over polynomial coefficients complies with the requirements and assumptions for UnivariatePolynomial objects. More...
void strip_leading_zeroes ()
In-place addition operators
UnivariatePolynomialoperator+= (const Coefficient &rhs)
 Add something to this polynomial and return the changed polynomial. More...
UnivariatePolynomialoperator+= (const UnivariatePolynomial &rhs)
 Add something to this polynomial and return the changed polynomial. More...
In-place subtraction operators
UnivariatePolynomialoperator-= (const Coefficient &rhs)
 Subtract something from this polynomial and return the changed polynomial. More...
UnivariatePolynomialoperator-= (const UnivariatePolynomial &rhs)
 Subtract something from this polynomial and return the changed polynomial. More...
In-place multiplication operators
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomialoperator*= (Variable rhs)
 Multiply this polynomial with something and return the changed polynomial. More...
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomialoperator*= (Variable rhs)
 Multiply this polynomial with something and return the changed polynomial. More...
UnivariatePolynomialoperator*= (const Coefficient &rhs)
 Multiply this polynomial with something and return the changed polynomial. More...
template<typename I = Coefficient, DisableIf< std::is_same< Coefficient, I >> ...>
UnivariatePolynomialoperator*= (const typename IntegralType< Coefficient >::type &rhs)
 Multiply this polynomial with something and return the changed polynomial. More...
UnivariatePolynomialoperator*= (const UnivariatePolynomial &rhs)
 Multiply this polynomial with something and return the changed polynomial. More...
In-place division operators
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_field_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomialoperator/= (const Coefficient &rhs)
 Divide this polynomial by something and return the changed polynomial. More...
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_field_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomialoperator/= (const Coefficient &rhs)
 Divide this polynomial by something and return the changed polynomial. More...

Private Attributes

Variable mMainVar
 The main variable. More...
std::vector< Coefficient > mCoefficients
 The coefficients. More...


template<class T >
class UnivariatePolynomial
 Declare all instantiations of univariate polynomials as friends. More...
template<typename C >
bool operator< (const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &rhs)
template<typename C >
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &os, const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &rhs)
 Streaming operator for univariate polynomials. More...
Equality comparison operators
template<typename C >
bool operator== (const C &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &rhs)
 Checks if the two arguments are equal. More...
template<typename C >
bool operator== (const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &lhs, const C &rhs)
 Checks if the two arguments are equal. More...
template<typename C >
bool operator== (const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &rhs)
 Checks if the two arguments are equal. More...
template<typename C >
bool operator== (const UnivariatePolynomialPtr< C > &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomialPtr< C > &rhs)
 Checks if the two arguments are equal. More...
Inequality comparison operators
template<typename C >
bool operator!= (const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &rhs)
 Checks if the two arguments are not equal. More...
template<typename C >
bool operator!= (const UnivariatePolynomialPtr< C > &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomialPtr< C > &rhs)
 Checks if the two arguments are not equal. More...
Addition operators
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator+ (const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &rhs)
 Performs an addition involving a polynomial. More...
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator+ (const C &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &rhs)
 Performs an addition involving a polynomial. More...
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator+ (const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &lhs, const C &rhs)
 Performs an addition involving a polynomial. More...
Subtraction operators
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator- (const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &rhs)
 Performs a subtraction involving a polynomial. More...
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator- (const C &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &rhs)
 Performs a subtraction involving a polynomial. More...
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator- (const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &lhs, const C &rhs)
 Performs a subtraction involving a polynomial. More...
Multiplication operators
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator* (const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &rhs)
 Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial. More...
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator* (const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &lhs, Variable rhs)
 Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial. More...
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator* (Variable lhs, const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &rhs)
 Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial. More...
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator* (const C &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &rhs)
 Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial. More...
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator* (const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &lhs, const C &rhs)
 Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial. More...
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator* (const IntegralTypeIfDifferent< C > &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &rhs)
 Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial. More...
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator* (const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &lhs, const IntegralTypeIfDifferent< C > &rhs)
 Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial. More...
template<typename C , typename O , typename P >
UnivariatePolynomial< MultivariatePolynomial< C, O, P > > operator* (const UnivariatePolynomial< MultivariatePolynomial< C, O, P >> &lhs, const C &rhs)
 Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial. More...
template<typename C , typename O , typename P >
UnivariatePolynomial< MultivariatePolynomial< C, O, P > > operator* (const C &lhs, const UnivariatePolynomial< MultivariatePolynomial< C, O, P >> &rhs)
 Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial. More...
Division operators
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial< C > operator/ (const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &lhs, const C &rhs)
 Perform a division involving a polynomial. More...

Detailed Description

template<typename Coefficient>
class carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >

This class represents a univariate polynomial with coefficients of an arbitrary type.

A univariate polynomial is defined by a variable (the main variable) and the coefficients. The coefficients may be of any type. The intention is to use a numbers or polynomials as coefficients. If polynomials are used as coefficients, this can be seen as a multivariate polynomial with a distinguished main variable.

Most methods are specifically adapted for polynomial coefficients, if necessary.

Definition at line 61 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Member Typedef Documentation


template<typename Coefficient >
using carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::CACHE = void

Definition at line 83 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

◆ CoeffType

template<typename Coefficient >
using carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::CoeffType = Coefficient

Definition at line 84 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

◆ IntNumberType

template<typename Coefficient >
using carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::IntNumberType = typename IntegralType<NumberType>::type

The integral type that belongs to the number type.

Definition at line 81 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

◆ NumberType

template<typename Coefficient >
using carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::NumberType = typename UnderlyingNumberType<Coefficient>::type

The number type that is ultimately used for the coefficients.

Definition at line 77 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

◆ PolyType

template<typename Coefficient >
using carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::PolyType = UnivariatePolynomial<Coefficient>

Definition at line 85 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

◆ RootType

template<typename Coefficient >
using carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::RootType = IntRepRealAlgebraicNumber<NumberType>

Definition at line 86 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ UnivariatePolynomial() [1/10]

template<typename Coefficient >
carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::UnivariatePolynomial ( )

Default constructor shall not exist.

Use UnivariatePolynomial(Variable) instead.

◆ UnivariatePolynomial() [2/10]

template<typename Coefficient >
carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::UnivariatePolynomial ( const UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > &  p)

Copy constructor.

◆ UnivariatePolynomial() [3/10]

template<typename Coefficient >
carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::UnivariatePolynomial ( UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > &&  p)

Move constructor.

◆ UnivariatePolynomial() [4/10]

template<typename Coefficient >
carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::UnivariatePolynomial ( Variable  mainVar)

Construct a zero polynomial with the given main variable.

mainVarNew main variable.

◆ UnivariatePolynomial() [5/10]

template<typename Coefficient >
carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::UnivariatePolynomial ( Variable  mainVar,
const Coefficient &  coeff,
std::size_t  degree = 0 

Construct $ coeff \cdot mainVar^{degree} $.

mainVarNew main variable.
coeffLeading coefficient.

◆ UnivariatePolynomial() [6/10]

template<typename Coefficient >
carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::UnivariatePolynomial ( Variable  mainVar,
std::initializer_list< Coefficient >  coefficients 

Construct polynomial with the given coefficients.

mainVarNew main variable.
coefficientsList of coefficients.

◆ UnivariatePolynomial() [7/10]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< std::is_same< C, typename UnderlyingNumberType< C >::type >> = dummy>
carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::UnivariatePolynomial ( Variable  mainVar,
std::initializer_list< typename UnderlyingNumberType< C >::type >  coefficients 

Construct polynomial with the given coefficients from the underlying number type of the coefficient type.

mainVarNew main variable.
coefficientsList of coefficients.

◆ UnivariatePolynomial() [8/10]

template<typename Coefficient >
carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::UnivariatePolynomial ( Variable  mainVar,
const std::vector< Coefficient > &  coefficients 

Construct polynomial with the given coefficients.

mainVarNew main variable.
coefficientsVector of coefficients.

◆ UnivariatePolynomial() [9/10]

template<typename Coefficient >
carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::UnivariatePolynomial ( Variable  mainVar,
std::vector< Coefficient > &&  coefficients 

Construct polynomial with the given coefficients, moving the coefficients.

mainVarNew main variable.
coefficientsVector of coefficients.

◆ UnivariatePolynomial() [10/10]

template<typename Coefficient >
carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::UnivariatePolynomial ( Variable  mainVar,
const std::map< uint, Coefficient > &  coefficients 

Construct polynomial with the given coefficients.

mainVarNew main variable.
coefficientsAssignment of degree to coefficients.

◆ ~UnivariatePolynomial()

template<typename Coefficient >
carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::~UnivariatePolynomial ( )


Member Function Documentation

◆ coefficients() [1/3]

template<typename Coefficient >
std::vector<Coefficient>& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::coefficients ( ) &

Returns the coefficients as non-const reference.

Definition at line 329 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

◆ coefficients() [2/3]

template<typename Coefficient >
std::vector<Coefficient>&& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::coefficients ( ) &&

Returns the coefficients as rvalue. The polynomial may be in an undefined state afterwards!

Definition at line 333 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

◆ coefficients() [3/3]

template<typename Coefficient >
const std::vector<Coefficient>& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::coefficients ( ) const &

Retrieves the coefficients defining this polynomial.


Definition at line 325 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ constant_part()

template<typename Coefficient >
NumberType carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::constant_part ( ) const

Returns the constant part of this polynomial.

Constant part.

Definition at line 253 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convert() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename NewCoeff >
UnivariatePolynomial<NewCoeff> carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::convert ( ) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ convert() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename NewCoeff >
UnivariatePolynomial<NewCoeff> carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::convert ( const std::function< NewCoeff(const Coefficient &)> &  f) const

◆ coprime_coefficients() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial<typename IntegralType<Coefficient>::type> carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::coprime_coefficients ( ) const

Constructs a new polynomial that is scaled such that the coefficients are coprime.

It is calculated by multiplying it with the coprime factor. By definition, this results in a polynomial with integral coefficients.

This polynomial multiplied with the coprime factor.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coprime_coefficients() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial<Coefficient> carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::coprime_coefficients ( ) const

◆ coprime_coefficients_sign_preserving() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial<typename IntegralType<Coefficient>::type> carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::coprime_coefficients_sign_preserving ( ) const

◆ coprime_coefficients_sign_preserving() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial<Coefficient> carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::coprime_coefficients_sign_preserving ( ) const

◆ coprime_factor() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
Coefficient carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::coprime_factor ( ) const

Calculates a factor that would make the coefficients of this polynomial coprime integers.

We consider a set of integers coprime, if they share no common factor. Technically, the coprime factor is $ lcm(N) / gcd(D) $ where N is the set of the numerators and D is the set of the denominators of all coefficients.

Coprime factor of this polynomial.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ coprime_factor() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< C >> = dummy>
UnderlyingNumberType<Coefficient>::type carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::coprime_factor ( ) const

◆ degree()

template<typename Coefficient >
uint carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::degree ( ) const

Get the maximal exponent of the main variable.

As the degree of the zero polynomial is $-\infty$, we assert that this polynomial is not zero. This must be checked by the caller before calling this method.

See also
[3], page 38

Definition at line 284 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ divides()

template<typename Coefficient >
bool carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::divides ( const UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > &  divisor) const

Checks if this polynomial is divisible by the given divisor, that is if the remainder is zero.

If divisor divides this polynomial.

◆ evaluate()

template<typename Coefficient >
Coefficient carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::evaluate ( const Coefficient &  value) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ evaluateCoefficient() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename SubstitutionType , typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_instantiation_of< MultivariatePolynomial, C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial<Coefficient> carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::evaluateCoefficient ( const std::map< Variable, SubstitutionType > &  ) const

Definition at line 482 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ evaluateCoefficient() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename SubstitutionType , typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_instantiation_of< MultivariatePolynomial, C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial<Coefficient> carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::evaluateCoefficient ( const std::map< Variable, SubstitutionType > &  ) const

Definition at line 487 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

◆ has()

template<typename Coefficient >
bool carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::has ( Variable  v) const

Checks if the given variable occurs in the polynomial.

If v occurs in the polynomial.

Definition at line 350 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_consistent() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
bool carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::is_consistent ( ) const

Asserts that this polynomial over numeric coefficients complies with the requirements and assumptions for UnivariatePolynomial objects.

  • The leading term is not zero.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_consistent() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
bool carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::is_consistent ( ) const

Asserts that this polynomial over polynomial coefficients complies with the requirements and assumptions for UnivariatePolynomial objects.

  • The leading term is not zero.
  • The main variable does not occur in any coefficient.

◆ is_constant()

template<typename Coefficient >
bool carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::is_constant ( ) const

Checks whether the polynomial is constant with respect to the main variable.

If polynomial is constant.

Definition at line 223 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_linear_in_main_var()

template<typename Coefficient >
bool carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::is_linear_in_main_var ( ) const

Definition at line 229 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_normal()

template<typename Coefficient >
bool carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::is_normal ( ) const

Checks whether the polynomial is unit normal.

A polynomial is unit normal, if the leading coefficient is unit normal, that is if it is either one or minus one.

See also
[3], page 39
If polynomial is normal.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_number()

template<typename Coefficient >
bool carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::is_number ( ) const

Checks whether the polynomial is only a number.

If polynomial is a number.

Definition at line 239 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_one()

template<typename Coefficient >
bool carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::is_one ( ) const

Checks if the polynomial is equal to one.

If polynomial is one.

Definition at line 177 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_univariate()

template<typename Coefficient >
bool carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::is_univariate ( ) const

Checks if the polynomial is univariate, that means if only one variable occurs.


Definition at line 267 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ is_zero()

template<typename Coefficient >
bool carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::is_zero ( ) const

Checks if the polynomial is equal to zero.

If polynomial is zero.

Definition at line 167 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ lcoeff()

template<typename Coefficient >
const Coefficient& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::lcoeff ( ) const

Returns the leading coefficient.

Asserts, that the polynomial is not empty.

The leading coefficient.

Definition at line 203 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ less()

template<typename Coefficient >
bool carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::less ( const UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > &  rhs,
const PolynomialComparisonOrder order = PolynomialComparisonOrder::Default 
) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ main_denom() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
IntNumberType carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::main_denom ( ) const

Compute the main denominator of all numeric coefficients of this polynomial.

This method only applies if the Coefficient type is a number.

the main denominator of all coefficients of this polynomial.

◆ main_denom() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
IntNumberType carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::main_denom ( ) const

◆ main_var()

template<typename Coefficient >
Variable carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::main_var ( ) const

Retrieves the main variable of this polynomial.

Main variable.

Definition at line 341 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ mod() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::mod ( const Coefficient &  modulus)

Replaces every coefficient c by c mod modulus.


◆ mod() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::mod ( const Coefficient &  modulus) const

Constructs a new polynomial where every coefficient c is replaced by c mod modulus.

New polynomial.

◆ negate_variable()

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::negate_variable ( ) const

Constructs a new polynomial q such that $ q(x) = p(-x) $ where p is this polynomial.

New polynomial with negated variable.

Definition at line 419 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ normalizeCoefficients() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename T = Coefficient, EnableIf< has_normalize< T >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::normalizeCoefficients ( )

Definition at line 494 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ normalizeCoefficients() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename T = Coefficient, DisableIf< has_normalize< T >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::normalizeCoefficients ( )

Definition at line 504 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

◆ normalized()

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::normalized ( ) const

The normal part of a polynomial is the polynomial divided by the unit part.

See also
[3], page 42.
This polynomial divided by the unit part.
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ numeric_content() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename N = NumberType, EnableIf< is_subset_of_rationals_type< N >> = dummy>
UnderlyingNumberType<Coefficient>::type carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::numeric_content ( ) const

Obtains the numeric content part of this polynomial.

The numeric content part of a polynomial is defined as the gcd() of the numeric content parts of all coefficients. This is only possible if the underlying number type is either integral or fractional.

As for fractional numbers, we consider the following definition: gcd( a/b, c/d ) = gcd( a/b*l, c/d*l ) / l where l = lcm(b,d).

numeric content part of the polynomial.
See also

◆ numeric_content() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
NumberType carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::numeric_content ( std::size_t  i) const

Returns the numeric content part of the i'th coefficient.

If the coefficients are numbers, this is simply the i'th coefficient. If the coefficients are polynomials, this is the numeric content part of the i'th coefficient.

inumber of the coefficient
numeric content part of i'th coefficient.

Definition at line 540 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ numeric_unit()

template<typename Coefficient >
NumberType carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::numeric_unit ( ) const

Returns the numeric unit part of the polynomial.

If the coefficients are numbers, this is the sign of the leading coefficient. If the coefficients are polynomials, this is the unit part of the leading coefficient.s

unit part of the polynomial.

Definition at line 556 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ one()

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::one ( ) const

Creates a polynomial of value one with the same main variable.


Definition at line 186 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ operator*=() [1/5]

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator*= ( const Coefficient &  rhs)

Multiply this polynomial with something and return the changed polynomial.

rhsRight hand side.
Changed polynomial.

◆ operator*=() [2/5]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename I = Coefficient, DisableIf< std::is_same< Coefficient, I >> ...>
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator*= ( const typename IntegralType< Coefficient >::type &  rhs)

Multiply this polynomial with something and return the changed polynomial.

rhsRight hand side.
Changed polynomial.

◆ operator*=() [3/5]

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator*= ( const UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > &  rhs)

Multiply this polynomial with something and return the changed polynomial.

rhsRight hand side.
Changed polynomial.

◆ operator*=() [4/5]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator*= ( Variable  rhs)

Multiply this polynomial with something and return the changed polynomial.

rhsRight hand side.
Changed polynomial.

◆ operator*=() [5/5]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator*= ( Variable  rhs)

Multiply this polynomial with something and return the changed polynomial.

rhsRight hand side.
Changed polynomial.

◆ operator+=() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator+= ( const Coefficient &  rhs)

Add something to this polynomial and return the changed polynomial.

rhsRight hand side.
Changed polynomial.

◆ operator+=() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator+= ( const UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > &  rhs)

Add something to this polynomial and return the changed polynomial.

rhsRight hand side.
Changed polynomial.

◆ operator-()

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator- ( ) const

◆ operator-=() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator-= ( const Coefficient &  rhs)

Subtract something from this polynomial and return the changed polynomial.

rhsRight hand side.
Changed polynomial.

◆ operator-=() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator-= ( const UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > &  rhs)

Subtract something from this polynomial and return the changed polynomial.

rhsRight hand side.
Changed polynomial.

◆ operator/=() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_field_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator/= ( const Coefficient &  rhs)

Divide this polynomial by something and return the changed polynomial.

rhsRight hand side.
Changed polynomial.

◆ operator/=() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_field_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator/= ( const Coefficient &  rhs)

Divide this polynomial by something and return the changed polynomial.

rhsRight hand side.
Changed polynomial.

◆ operator=() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator= ( const UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > &  p)

Copy assignment operator.

◆ operator=() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::operator= ( UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient > &&  p)

Move assignment operator.

◆ pow()

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::pow ( std::size_t  exp) const

Returns this polynomial to the given power.

This to the power of exp.

◆ reverse_coefficients()

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::reverse_coefficients ( ) const

Reverse coefficients safely.

Definition at line 430 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ sgn()

template<typename Coefficient >
carl::Sign carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::sgn ( const Coefficient &  value) const

Calculates the sign of the polynomial at some point.

valuePoint to evaluate.
Sign at value.

Definition at line 477 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ strip_leading_zeroes()

template<typename Coefficient >
void carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::strip_leading_zeroes ( )

Definition at line 794 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ synthetic_division()

template<typename Coefficient >
Coefficient carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::synthetic_division ( const Coefficient &  zeroOfDivisor)
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ tcoeff()

template<typename Coefficient >
const Coefficient& carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::tcoeff ( ) const

Returns the trailing coefficient.

Asserts, that the polynomial is not empty.

The trailing coefficient.

Definition at line 213 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ to_integer_domain() [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, EnableIf< is_instantiation_of< GFNumber, C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial<typename IntegralType<Coefficient>::type> carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::to_integer_domain ( ) const

Works only from rationals, if the numbers are already integers.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ to_integer_domain() [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_instantiation_of< GFNumber, C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial<typename IntegralType<Coefficient>::type> carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::to_integer_domain ( ) const

◆ toFiniteDomain()

template<typename Coefficient >
UnivariatePolynomial<GFNumber<typename IntegralType<Coefficient>::type> > carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::toFiniteDomain ( const GaloisField< typename IntegralType< Coefficient >::type > *  galoisField) const
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ toNumberCoefficients()

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C = Coefficient, DisableIf< is_number_type< C >> = dummy>
UnivariatePolynomial<NumberType> carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::toNumberCoefficients ( ) const

Asserts that is_univariate() is true.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ total_degree()

template<typename Coefficient >
uint carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::total_degree ( ) const

Returns the total degree of the polynomial, that is the maximum degree of any monomial.

As the degree of the zero polynomial is $-\infty$, we assert that this polynomial is not zero. This must be checked by the caller before calling this method.

See also
[3], page 38
Total degree.

Definition at line 296 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ truncate()

template<typename Coefficient >
void carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::truncate ( )

Removes the leading term from the polynomial.

Definition at line 315 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ unit_part()

template<typename Coefficient >
Coefficient carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::unit_part ( ) const

The unit part of a polynomial over a field is its leading coefficient for nonzero polynomials, and one for zero polynomials.

The unit part of a polynomial over a ring is the sign of the polynomial for nonzero polynomials, and one for zero polynomials.

See also
[3], page 42.
The unit part of the polynomial.

◆ zero_is_root()

template<typename Coefficient >
bool carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::zero_is_root ( ) const

Checks if zero is a real root of this polynomial.

True if zero is a root.

Definition at line 596 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

Friends And Related Function Documentation

◆ operator!= [1/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
bool operator!= ( const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  rhs 

Checks if the two arguments are not equal.

lhsFirst argument.
rhsSecond argument.
lhs != rhs

◆ operator!= [2/2]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
bool operator!= ( const UnivariatePolynomialPtr< C > &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomialPtr< C > &  rhs 

Checks if the two arguments are not equal.

lhsFirst argument.
rhsSecond argument.
lhs != rhs

◆ operator* [1/9]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator* ( const C &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  rhs 

Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial.

lhsLeft hand side.
rhsRight hand side.
lhs * rhs

◆ operator* [2/9]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C , typename O , typename P >
UnivariatePolynomial<MultivariatePolynomial<C,O,P> > operator* ( const C &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomial< MultivariatePolynomial< C, O, P >> &  rhs 

Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial.

lhsLeft hand side.
rhsRight hand side.
lhs * rhs

◆ operator* [3/9]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator* ( const IntegralTypeIfDifferent< C > &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  rhs 

Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial.

lhsLeft hand side.
rhsRight hand side.
lhs * rhs

◆ operator* [4/9]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator* ( const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  lhs,
const C &  rhs 

Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial.

lhsLeft hand side.
rhsRight hand side.
lhs * rhs

◆ operator* [5/9]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator* ( const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  lhs,
const IntegralTypeIfDifferent< C > &  rhs 

Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial.

lhsLeft hand side.
rhsRight hand side.
lhs * rhs

◆ operator* [6/9]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator* ( const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  rhs 

Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial.

lhsLeft hand side.
rhsRight hand side.
lhs * rhs

◆ operator* [7/9]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator* ( const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  lhs,
Variable  rhs 

Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial.

lhsLeft hand side.
rhsRight hand side.
lhs * rhs

◆ operator* [8/9]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C , typename O , typename P >
UnivariatePolynomial<MultivariatePolynomial<C,O,P> > operator* ( const UnivariatePolynomial< MultivariatePolynomial< C, O, P >> &  lhs,
const C &  rhs 

Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial.

lhsLeft hand side.
rhsRight hand side.
lhs * rhs

◆ operator* [9/9]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator* ( Variable  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  rhs 

Perform a multiplication involving a polynomial.

lhsLeft hand side.
rhsRight hand side.
lhs * rhs

◆ operator+ [1/3]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator+ ( const C &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  rhs 

Performs an addition involving a polynomial.

lhsFirst argument.
rhsSecond argument.
lhs + rhs

◆ operator+ [2/3]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator+ ( const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  lhs,
const C &  rhs 

Performs an addition involving a polynomial.

lhsFirst argument.
rhsSecond argument.
lhs + rhs

◆ operator+ [3/3]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator+ ( const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  rhs 

Performs an addition involving a polynomial.

lhsFirst argument.
rhsSecond argument.
lhs + rhs

◆ operator- [1/3]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator- ( const C &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  rhs 

Performs a subtraction involving a polynomial.

lhsFirst argument.
rhsSecond argument.
lhs - rhs

◆ operator- [2/3]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator- ( const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  lhs,
const C &  rhs 

Performs a subtraction involving a polynomial.

lhsFirst argument.
rhsSecond argument.
lhs - rhs

◆ operator- [3/3]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator- ( const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  rhs 

Performs a subtraction involving a polynomial.

lhsFirst argument.
rhsSecond argument.
lhs - rhs

◆ operator/

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
UnivariatePolynomial<C> operator/ ( const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  lhs,
const C &  rhs 

Perform a division involving a polynomial.

lhsLeft hand side.
rhsRight hand side.
lhs / rhs

◆ operator<

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
bool operator< ( const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  rhs 

◆ operator<<

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
std::ostream& operator<< ( std::ostream &  os,
const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  rhs 

Streaming operator for univariate polynomials.

osOutput stream.

◆ operator== [1/4]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
bool operator== ( const C &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  rhs 

Checks if the two arguments are equal.

lhsFirst argument.
rhsSecond argument.
lhs == rhs

◆ operator== [2/4]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
bool operator== ( const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  lhs,
const C &  rhs 

Checks if the two arguments are equal.

lhsFirst argument.
rhsSecond argument.
lhs == rhs

◆ operator== [3/4]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
bool operator== ( const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomial< C > &  rhs 

Checks if the two arguments are equal.

lhsFirst argument.
rhsSecond argument.
lhs == rhs

◆ operator== [4/4]

template<typename Coefficient >
template<typename C >
bool operator== ( const UnivariatePolynomialPtr< C > &  lhs,
const UnivariatePolynomialPtr< C > &  rhs 

Checks if the two arguments are equal.

lhsFirst argument.
rhsSecond argument.
lhs == rhs

◆ UnivariatePolynomial

template<typename Coefficient >
template<class T >
friend class UnivariatePolynomial

Declare all instantiations of univariate polynomials as friends.

Definition at line 66 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

Field Documentation

◆ mCoefficients

template<typename Coefficient >
std::vector<Coefficient> carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::mCoefficients

The coefficients.

Definition at line 71 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

◆ mMainVar

template<typename Coefficient >
Variable carl::UnivariatePolynomial< Coefficient >::mMainVar

The main variable.

Definition at line 69 of file UnivariatePolynomial.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: