carl  25.02
Computer ARithmetic Library
ExpressionParserResult.h File Reference
#include <string>
#include <boost/variant/variant.hpp>
#include <carl-arith/core/Variable.h>
#include <carl-arith/poly/umvpoly/Monomial.h>
#include <carl-arith/poly/umvpoly/Term.h>
#include <carl-extpolys/RationalFunction.h>
#include <carl-formula/formula/Formula.h>
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template<typename Pol >
using carl::io::parser::ExpressionType = boost::variant< typename Pol::CoeffType, carl::Variable, carl::Monomial::Arg, carl::Term< typename Pol::CoeffType >, Pol, RationalFunction< Pol >, carl::Formula< Pol > >