SMT-RAT  24.02
Toolbox for Strategic and Parallel Satisfiability-Modulo-Theories Solving
Benchmax python utility

This tool allows loading XML files from Benchmax into a pandas dataframe, inspecting the results and visualizing them.

This is useful for working with the results in a Jupyter notebook.


pip3 install pandas matplotlib tikzplotlib numpy pillow

Loading XMLs into a pandas dataframe

First, install this directory as python library; e.g. on Ubuntu

cd ~/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ # path to your python site-packages directory
ln -s ~/src/smtrat/utilities/benchmax/ # path to the benchmax utility

In your Jupyter notebook:

import benchmax.evaluation as ev
df = ev.xml_to_pandas("path_to/stats_file.xml", {"smtrat-static": "solver_name"}, ["statistics_name_1","statistics_name_2"]) # second and third parameter is optional

or, to load multiplle XMLs into one:

import benchmax.evaluation as ev
df = ev.xmls_to_pandas({"path_to/stats_file_1.xml": {"smtrat-static": "solver_name_1"}, "path_to/stats_file_2.xml": {"smtrat-static": "solver_name_2"}}, ["statistics_name_1","statistics_name_2"]) # second parameter is optional

This will create a dataframe with columns (solver_name_1, "answer"), (solver_name_1, "runtime"), (solver_name_1, "statistics_name_1") etc (as multi-index).

Computing a virtual best solver

A virtual best is a solver that behaves optimal on each input w.r.t. a set of solvers. It is computed by selecting for each benchmark instance the solver with shortest running time.

To compute the virtual best solver named VB w.r.t. solver1,solver2 and solver3 and considering statistics statistics_name_1.

df = df.join(ev.virtual_best(df, ["solver1","solver2","solver3"], "VB", ['statistics_name_1']))


We provide the performance_profile and scatter_plot functions to easily generate a performance profiles and scatter plots.

Show a summary of an XML file

There are several methods for quickly inspecting the results of a run provided. For instance, the following script can be used to view a summary of a singel XML file and to show instances with wrong results or segmentation faults:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
import benchmax.evaluation as ev
import sys
df = ev.xml_to_pandas(sys.argv[1])

SMT-RAT provides a small utility script for showing a summary of one or more XML files:

~/Code/smtrat/utilities/benchmax/ result_1.xml result_2.xml

Exporting data to Latex

Pandas dataframe to latex table


matplotlib to tikz plot

see tikzplotlib