SMT-RAT  24.02
Toolbox for Strategic and Parallel Satisfiability-Modulo-Theories Solving


Alongside SMT-RAT, benchmax allows to easily run solvers on benchmarks and export the results. See Benchmax for more information.

Delta debugging

Note: Our legacy delta tool has been moved to its own repository.


The smtrat-analyzer library can analyze static properties input formulas (such as number of variables, degrees, CAD projections, ...).

To use it from the CLI, build smtrat using CLI_ENABLE_ANALYZER=ON and SMTRAT_DEVOPTION_Statistics=ON. A single input file can be analyzed by running ./smtrat --analyze.enabled --stats.print input.smt2; properties will be printed as statistics object, note that the solver will not be called. For further options, see ./smtrat --help.

To collect properties of all formulas of a benchmark sets, the analyzer can be used with benchmax. To do so, specify add the binary as an smtrat-analyzer solver; for more information, see the benchmax subpage.
