SMT-RAT  24.02
Toolbox for Strategic and Parallel Satisfiability-Modulo-Theories Solving
Subtropical.h File Reference
#include <carl-arith/constraint/BasicConstraint.h>
#include <boost/container/flat_map.hpp>
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Data Structures

struct  smtrat::subtropical::Moment
 Represents the normal vector component and the sign variable assigned to a variable in an original constraint. More...
struct  smtrat::subtropical::Vertex
 Represents a term of an original constraint and assigns him a rating variable if a weak separator is searched. More...
struct  smtrat::subtropical::Separator
 Represents the class of all original constraints with the same left hand side after a normalization. More...
class  smtrat::subtropical::Encoding


 Class to create the formulas for axioms.
 Implements data structures and encodings for the subtropical method.


enum class  smtrat::subtropical::SeparatorType { smtrat::subtropical::STRICT = 0 , smtrat::subtropical::WEAK = 1 , smtrat::subtropical::SEMIWEAK = 2 }
enum class  smtrat::subtropical::Direction { smtrat::subtropical::BOTH = 0 , smtrat::subtropical::NEGATIVE = 1 , smtrat::subtropical::POSITIVE = 2 }
 Subdivides the relations into classes with the same linearization result. More...


carl::BasicConstraint< Poly > smtrat::subtropical::normalize (const carl::BasicConstraint< Poly > &c)
std::optional< Direction > smtrat::subtropical::direction (carl::Relation r)
std::optional< Direction > smtrat::subtropical::direction_for_equality (const Separator &s)
FormulaT smtrat::subtropical::transform_to_equation (const FormulaT &formula)
 Requires a quantifier-free real arithmetic formula with no negations. More...
FormulaT smtrat::subtropical::encode_as_formula (const FormulaT &formula, Encoding &encoding, SeparatorType separator_type)
 Requires a quantifier-free real arithmetic formula with no negations. More...
FormulaT smtrat::subtropical::encode_as_formula_alt (const FormulaT &formula, Encoding &encoding, SeparatorType separator_type)
 Requires a quantifier-free real arithmetic formula with no negations. More...