SMT-RAT  24.02
Toolbox for Strategic and Parallel Satisfiability-Modulo-Theories Solving
smtrat::CoCoAGBModule< Settings > Class Template Reference

#include <CoCoAGBModule.h>

Inheritance diagram for smtrat::CoCoAGBModule< Settings >:
Collaboration diagram for smtrat::CoCoAGBModule< Settings >:

Public Types

enum class  LemmaType : unsigned { NORMAL = 0 , PERMANENT = 1 }

Public Member Functions

bool inform (const FormulaT &_constraint)
 Informs the module about the given constraint. More...
void deinform (const FormulaT &_constraint)
 The inverse of informing about a constraint. More...
virtual void init ()
 Informs all backends about the so far encountered constraints, which have not yet been communicated. More...
bool add (ModuleInput::const_iterator _subformula)
 The module has to take the given sub-formula of the received formula into account. More...
virtual Answer check (bool _final=false, bool _full=true, carl::Variable _objective=carl::Variable::NO_VARIABLE)
 Checks the received formula for consistency. More...
virtual void remove (ModuleInput::const_iterator _subformula)
 Removes everything related to the given sub-formula of the received formula. More...
virtual void updateModel () const
 Updates the model, if the solver has detected the consistency of the received formula, beforehand. More...
virtual void updateAllModels ()
 Updates all satisfying models, if the solver has detected the consistency of the received formula, beforehand. More...
virtual std::list< std::vector< carl::Variable > > getModelEqualities () const
 Partition the variables from the current model into equivalence classes according to their assigned value. More...
unsigned currentlySatisfiedByBackend (const FormulaT &_formula) const
virtual unsigned currentlySatisfied (const FormulaT &) const
bool receivedVariable (carl::Variable::Arg _var) const
Answer solverState () const
std::size_t id () const
void setId (std::size_t _id)
 Sets this modules unique ID to identify itself. More...
thread_priority threadPriority () const
void setThreadPriority (thread_priority _threadPriority)
 Sets the priority of this module to get a thread for running its check procedure. More...
const ModuleInputpReceivedFormula () const
const ModuleInputrReceivedFormula () const
const ModuleInputpPassedFormula () const
const ModuleInputrPassedFormula () const
const Modelmodel () const
const std::vector< Model > & allModels () const
const std::vector< FormulaSetT > & infeasibleSubsets () const
const std::vector< Module * > & usedBackends () const
const carl::FastSet< FormulaT > & constraintsToInform () const
const carl::FastSet< FormulaT > & informedConstraints () const
void addLemma (const FormulaT &_lemma, const LemmaType &_lt=LemmaType::NORMAL, const FormulaT &_preferredFormula=FormulaT(carl::FormulaType::TRUE))
 Stores a lemma being a valid formula. More...
bool hasLemmas ()
 Checks whether this module or any of its backends provides any lemmas. More...
void clearLemmas ()
 Deletes all yet found lemmas. More...
const std::vector< Lemma > & lemmas () const
ModuleInput::const_iterator firstUncheckedReceivedSubformula () const
ModuleInput::const_iterator firstSubformulaToPass () const
void receivedFormulaChecked ()
 Notifies that the received formulas has been checked. More...
const smtrat::ConditionalsanswerFound () const
bool isPreprocessor () const
virtual std::string moduleName () const
carl::Variable objective () const
bool is_minimizing () const
void excludeNotReceivedVariablesFromModel () const
 Excludes all variables from the current model, which do not occur in the received formula. More...
void updateLemmas ()
 Stores all lemmas of any backend of this module in its own lemma vector. More...
void collectTheoryPropagations ()
void collectOrigins (const FormulaT &_formula, FormulasT &_origins) const
 Collects the formulas in the given formula, which are part of the received formula. More...
void collectOrigins (const FormulaT &_formula, FormulaSetT &_origins) const
bool hasValidInfeasibleSubset () const
void checkInfSubsetForMinimality (std::vector< FormulaSetT >::const_iterator _infsubset, const std::string &_filename="smaller_muses", unsigned _maxSizeDifference=1) const
 Checks the given infeasible subset for minimality by storing all subsets of it, which have a smaller size which differs from the size of the infeasible subset not more than the given threshold. More...
virtual std::pair< bool, FormulaTgetReceivedFormulaSimplified ()
void print (const std::string &_initiation="***") const
 Prints everything relevant of the solver. More...
void printReceivedFormula (const std::string &_initiation="***") const
 Prints the vector of the received formula. More...
void printPassedFormula (const std::string &_initiation="***") const
 Prints the vector of passed formula. More...
void printInfeasibleSubsets (const std::string &_initiation="***") const
 Prints the infeasible subsets. More...
void printModel (std::ostream &_out=std::cout) const
 Prints the assignment of this module satisfying its received formula if it satisfiable and this module could find an assignment. More...
void printAllModels (std::ostream &_out=std::cout)
 Prints all assignments of this module satisfying its received formula if it satisfiable and this module could find an assignment. More...

Static Public Member Functions

static void freeSplittingVariable (const FormulaT &_splittingVariable)

Static Public Attributes

static size_t mNumOfBranchVarsToStore = 5
 The number of different variables to consider for a probable infinite loop of branchings. More...
static std::vector< BranchingmLastBranches = std::vector<Branching>(mNumOfBranchVarsToStore, Branching(typename Poly::PolyType(), 0))
 Stores the last branches in a cycle buffer. More...
static size_t mFirstPosInLastBranches = 0
 The beginning of the cyclic buffer storing the last branches. More...
static std::vector< FormulaTmOldSplittingVariables
 Reusable splitting variables. More...

Protected Member Functions

virtual bool informCore ([[maybe_unused]] const FormulaT &_constraint)
 Informs the module about the given constraint. More...
virtual void deinformCore ([[maybe_unused]] const FormulaT &_constraint)
 The inverse of informing about a constraint. More...
virtual bool addCore ([[maybe_unused]] ModuleInput::const_iterator formula)
 The module has to take the given sub-formula of the received formula into account. More...
virtual Answer checkCore ()
 Checks the received formula for consistency. More...
virtual void removeCore ([[maybe_unused]] ModuleInput::const_iterator formula)
 Removes everything related to the given sub-formula of the received formula. More...
bool anAnswerFound () const
 Checks for all antecedent modules and those which run in parallel with the same antecedent modules, whether one of them has determined a result. More...
void clearModel () const
 Clears the assignment, if any was found. More...
void clearModels () const
 Clears all assignments, if any was found. More...
void cleanModel () const
 Substitutes variable occurrences by its model value in the model values of other variables. More...
ModuleInput::iterator passedFormulaBegin ()
ModuleInput::iterator passedFormulaEnd ()
void addOrigin (ModuleInput::iterator _formula, const FormulaT &_origin)
 Adds the given set of formulas in the received formula to the origins of the given passed formula. More...
const FormulaTgetOrigins (ModuleInput::const_iterator _formula) const
 Gets the origins of the passed formula at the given position. More...
void getOrigins (const FormulaT &_formula, FormulasT &_origins) const
void getOrigins (const FormulaT &_formula, FormulaSetT &_origins) const
std::pair< ModuleInput::iterator, bool > removeOrigin (ModuleInput::iterator _formula, const FormulaT &_origin)
std::pair< ModuleInput::iterator, bool > removeOrigins (ModuleInput::iterator _formula, const std::shared_ptr< std::vector< FormulaT >> &_origins)
void informBackends (const FormulaT &_constraint)
 Informs all backends of this module about the given constraint. More...
virtual void addConstraintToInform (const FormulaT &_constraint)
 Adds a constraint to the collection of constraints of this module, which are informed to a freshly generated backend. More...
std::pair< ModuleInput::iterator, bool > addReceivedSubformulaToPassedFormula (ModuleInput::const_iterator _subformula)
 Copies the given sub-formula of the received formula to the passed formula. More...
bool originInReceivedFormula (const FormulaT &_origin) const
std::pair< ModuleInput::iterator, bool > addSubformulaToPassedFormula (const FormulaT &_formula)
 Adds the given formula to the passed formula with no origin. More...
std::pair< ModuleInput::iterator, bool > addSubformulaToPassedFormula (const FormulaT &_formula, const std::shared_ptr< std::vector< FormulaT >> &_origins)
 Adds the given formula to the passed formula. More...
std::pair< ModuleInput::iterator, bool > addSubformulaToPassedFormula (const FormulaT &_formula, const FormulaT &_origin)
 Adds the given formula to the passed formula. More...
void generateTrivialInfeasibleSubset ()
 Stores the trivial infeasible subset being the set of received formulas. More...
void receivedFormulasAsInfeasibleSubset (ModuleInput::const_iterator _subformula)
 Stores an infeasible subset consisting only of the given received formula. More...
std::vector< FormulaT >::const_iterator findBestOrigin (const std::vector< FormulaT > &_origins) const
void getInfeasibleSubsets ()
 Copies the infeasible subsets of the passed formula. More...
std::vector< FormulaSetTgetInfeasibleSubsets (const Module &_backend) const
 Get the infeasible subsets the given backend provides. More...
const ModelbackendsModel () const
 Stores the model of a backend which determined satisfiability of the passed formula in the model of this module. More...
void getBackendsModel () const
void getBackendsAllModels () const
 Stores all models of a backend in the list of all models of this module. More...
virtual Answer runBackends (bool _final, bool _full, carl::Variable _objective)
 Runs the backend solvers on the passed formula. More...
virtual Answer runBackends ()
virtual ModuleInput::iterator eraseSubformulaFromPassedFormula (ModuleInput::iterator _subformula, bool _ignoreOrigins=false)
 Removes everything related to the sub-formula to remove from the passed formula in the backends of this module. More...
void clearPassedFormula ()
std::vector< FormulaTmerge (const std::vector< FormulaT > &, const std::vector< FormulaT > &) const
 Merges the two vectors of sets into the first one. More...
size_t determine_smallest_origin (const std::vector< FormulaT > &origins) const
bool probablyLooping (const typename Poly::PolyType &_branchingPolynomial, const Rational &_branchingValue) const
 Checks whether given the current branching value and branching variable/polynomial it is (highly) probable that this branching is part of an infinite loop of branchings. More...
bool branchAt (const Poly &_polynomial, bool _integral, const Rational &_value, std::vector< FormulaT > &&_premise, bool _leftCaseWeak=true, bool _preferLeftCase=true, bool _useReceivedFormulaAsPremise=false)
 Adds a lemmas which provoke a branching for the given variable at the given value, if this module returns Unknown and there exists a preceding SATModule. More...
bool branchAt (const Poly &_polynomial, bool _integral, const Rational &_value, bool _leftCaseWeak=true, bool _preferLeftCase=true, bool _useReceivedFormulaAsPremise=false, const std::vector< FormulaT > &_premise=std::vector< FormulaT >())
bool branchAt (carl::Variable::Arg _var, const Rational &_value, std::vector< FormulaT > &&_premise, bool _leftCaseWeak=true, bool _preferLeftCase=true, bool _useReceivedFormulaAsPremise=false)
bool branchAt (carl::Variable::Arg _var, const Rational &_value, bool _leftCaseWeak=true, bool _preferLeftCase=true, bool _useReceivedFormulaAsPremise=false, const std::vector< FormulaT > &_premise=std::vector< FormulaT >())
void splitUnequalConstraint (const FormulaT &)
 Adds the following lemmas for the given constraint p!=0. More...
unsigned checkModel () const
void addInformationRelevantFormula (const FormulaT &formula)
 Adds a formula to the InformationRelevantFormula. More...
const std::set< FormulaT > & getInformationRelevantFormulas ()
 Gets all InformationRelevantFormulas. More...
bool isLemmaLevel (LemmaLevel level)
 Checks if current lemma level is greater or equal to given level. More...

Static Protected Member Functions

static bool modelsDisjoint (const Model &_modelA, const Model &_modelB)
 Checks whether there is no variable assigned by both models. More...

Protected Attributes

std::vector< FormulaSetTmInfeasibleSubsets
 Stores the infeasible subsets. More...
Manager *const mpManager
 A reference to the manager. More...
Model mModel
 Stores the assignment of the current satisfiable result, if existent. More...
std::vector< ModelmAllModels
 Stores all satisfying assignments. More...
bool mModelComputed
 True, if the model has already been computed. More...
bool mFinalCheck
 true, if the check procedure should perform a final check which especially means not to postpone splitting decisions More...
bool mFullCheck
 false, if this module should avoid too expensive procedures and rather return unknown instead. More...
carl::Variable mObjectiveVariable
 Objective variable to be minimized. If set to NO_VARIABLE, a normal sat check should be performed. More...
std::vector< TheoryPropagationmTheoryPropagations
std::atomic< AnswermSolverState
 States whether the received formula is known to be satisfiable or unsatisfiable otherwise it is set to unknown. More...
std::atomic_bool * mBackendsFoundAnswer
 This flag is passed to any backend and if it determines an answer to a prior check call, this flag is fired. More...
Conditionals mFoundAnswer
 Vector of Booleans: If any of them is true, we have to terminate a running check procedure. More...
std::vector< Module * > mUsedBackends
 The backends of this module which are currently used (conditions to use this module are fulfilled for the passed formula). More...
std::vector< Module * > mAllBackends
 The backends of this module which have been used. More...
std::vector< LemmamLemmas
 Stores the lemmas being valid formulas this module or its backends made. More...
ModuleInput::iterator mFirstSubformulaToPass
 Stores the position of the first sub-formula in the passed formula, which has not yet been considered for a consistency check of the backends. More...
carl::FastSet< FormulaTmConstraintsToInform
 Stores the constraints which the backends must be informed about. More...
carl::FastSet< FormulaTmInformedConstraints
 Stores the position of the first constraint of which no backend has been informed about. More...
ModuleInput::const_iterator mFirstUncheckedReceivedSubformula
 Stores the position of the first (by this module) unchecked sub-formula of the received formula. More...
unsigned mSmallerMusesCheckCounter
 Counter used for the generation of the smt2 files to check for smaller muses. More...
std::vector< std::size_t > mVariableCounters
 Maps variables to the number of their occurrences. More...

Private Member Functions

std::pair< ModuleInput::iterator, bool > addSubformulaToPassedFormula (const FormulaT &_formula, bool _hasSingleOrigin, const FormulaT &_origin, const std::shared_ptr< std::vector< FormulaT >> &_origins, bool _mightBeConjunction)
 This method actually implements the adding of a formula to the passed formula. More...
Answer foundAnswer (Answer _answer)
 Sets the solver state to the given answer value. More...

Private Attributes

friend Manager
std::size_t mId
 A unique ID to identify this module instance. (Could be useful but currently nowhere used) More...
thread_priority mThreadPriority
 The priority of this module to get a thread for running its check procedure. More...
const ModuleInputmpReceivedFormula
 The formula passed to this module. More...
 The formula passed to the backends of this module. More...
std::string mModuleName
ModuleStatisticsmStatistics = statistics_get<ModuleStatistics>(moduleName())

Detailed Description

template<typename Settings>
class smtrat::CoCoAGBModule< Settings >

Definition at line 22 of file CoCoAGBModule.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ LemmaType

enum smtrat::Module::LemmaType : unsigned

Definition at line 123 of file Module.h.

Member Function Documentation

◆ add()

bool smtrat::Module::add ( ModuleInput::const_iterator  _subformula)

The module has to take the given sub-formula of the received formula into account.

_subformulaThe sub-formula to take additionally into account.
false, if it can be easily decided that this sub-formula causes a conflict with the already considered sub-formulas; true, otherwise.

Definition at line 138 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addConstraintToInform()

void smtrat::Module::addConstraintToInform ( const FormulaT _constraint)

Adds a constraint to the collection of constraints of this module, which are informed to a freshly generated backend.

_constraintThe constraint to add.

Reimplemented in smtrat::SATModule< Settings >.

Definition at line 877 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addCore()

virtual bool smtrat::Module::addCore ( [[maybe_unused] ] ModuleInput::const_iterator  formula)

The module has to take the given sub-formula of the received formula into account.

formulaThe sub-formula to take additionally into account.
false, if it can be easily decided that this sub-formula causes a conflict with the already considered sub-formulas; true, otherwise.

Definition at line 706 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addInformationRelevantFormula()

void smtrat::Module::addInformationRelevantFormula ( const FormulaT formula)

Adds a formula to the InformationRelevantFormula.

formulaFormula to add

Definition at line 1068 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addLemma()

void smtrat::Module::addLemma ( const FormulaT _lemma,
const LemmaType _lt = LemmaType::NORMAL,
const FormulaT _preferredFormula = FormulaT( carl::FormulaType::TRUE ) 

Stores a lemma being a valid formula.

_lemmaThe eduction/lemma to store.
_ltThe type of the lemma.
_preferredFormulaHint for the next decision, which formula should be assigned to true.

Definition at line 521 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addOrigin()

void smtrat::Module::addOrigin ( ModuleInput::iterator  _formula,
const FormulaT _origin 

Adds the given set of formulas in the received formula to the origins of the given passed formula.

_formulaThe passed formula to set the origins for.
_originA set of formulas in the received formula of this module.

Definition at line 798 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addReceivedSubformulaToPassedFormula()

std::pair<ModuleInput::iterator,bool> smtrat::Module::addReceivedSubformulaToPassedFormula ( ModuleInput::const_iterator  _subformula)

Copies the given sub-formula of the received formula to the passed formula.

Note, that there is always a link between sub-formulas of the passed formulas to sub-formulas of the received formulas, which are responsible for its occurrence.

_subformulaThe sub-formula of the received formula to copy.

Definition at line 857 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addSubformulaToPassedFormula() [1/4]

std::pair<ModuleInput::iterator,bool> smtrat::Module::addSubformulaToPassedFormula ( const FormulaT _formula)

Adds the given formula to the passed formula with no origin.

Note that in the next call of this module's removeSubformula, all formulas in the passed formula without origins will be removed.

_formulaThe formula to add to the passed formula.
A pair to the position where the formula to add has been inserted (or its first sub-formula which has not yet been in the passed formula, in case the formula to add is a conjunction), and a Boolean stating whether anything has been added to the passed formula.

Definition at line 873 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ addSubformulaToPassedFormula() [2/4]

std::pair< ModuleInput::iterator, bool > smtrat::Module::addSubformulaToPassedFormula ( const FormulaT _formula,
bool  _hasSingleOrigin,
const FormulaT _origin,
const std::shared_ptr< std::vector< FormulaT >> &  _origins,
bool  _mightBeConjunction 

This method actually implements the adding of a formula to the passed formula.

_formulaThe formula to add to the passed formula.
_hasSingleOrigintrue, if the next argument contains the formula being the single origin.
_originThe sub-formula of the received formula being responsible for the occurrence of the formula to add to the passed formula.
_originsThe link of the formula to add to the passed formula to sub-formulas of the received formulas, which are responsible for its occurrence
_mightBeConjunctiontrue, if the formula to add might be a conjunction.
A pair to the position where the formula to add has been inserted (or its first sub-formula which has not yet been in the passed formula, in case the formula to add is a conjunction), and a Boolean stating whether anything has been added to the passed formula.

Definition at line 341 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addSubformulaToPassedFormula() [3/4]

std::pair<ModuleInput::iterator,bool> smtrat::Module::addSubformulaToPassedFormula ( const FormulaT _formula,
const FormulaT _origin 

Adds the given formula to the passed formula.

_formulaThe formula to add to the passed formula.
_originThe sub-formula of the received formula being responsible for the occurrence of the formula to add to the passed formula.
A pair to the position where the formula to add has been inserted (or its first sub-formula which has not yet been in the passed formula, in case the formula to add is a conjunction), and a Boolean stating whether anything has been added to the passed formula.

Definition at line 901 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ addSubformulaToPassedFormula() [4/4]

std::pair<ModuleInput::iterator,bool> smtrat::Module::addSubformulaToPassedFormula ( const FormulaT _formula,
const std::shared_ptr< std::vector< FormulaT >> &  _origins 

Adds the given formula to the passed formula.

_formulaThe formula to add to the passed formula.
_originsThe link of the formula to add to the passed formula to sub-formulas of the received formulas, which are responsible for its occurrence
A pair to the position where the formula to add has been inserted (or its first sub-formula which has not yet been in the passed formula, in case the formula to add is a conjunction), and a Boolean stating whether anything has been added to the passed formula.

Definition at line 887 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ allModels()

const std::vector<Model>& smtrat::Module::allModels ( ) const
All satisfying assignments, if existent.

Definition at line 471 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ anAnswerFound()

bool smtrat::Module::anAnswerFound ( ) const

Checks for all antecedent modules and those which run in parallel with the same antecedent modules, whether one of them has determined a result.

True, if one of them has determined a result.

Definition at line 737 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ answerFound()

const smtrat::Conditionals& smtrat::Module::answerFound ( ) const
A vector of Booleans: If any of them is true, we have to terminate a running check procedure.

Definition at line 597 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ backendsModel()

const Model & smtrat::Module::backendsModel ( ) const

Stores the model of a backend which determined satisfiability of the passed formula in the model of this module.

Definition at line 630 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ branchAt() [1/4]

bool smtrat::Module::branchAt ( carl::Variable::Arg  _var,
const Rational _value,
bool  _leftCaseWeak = true,
bool  _preferLeftCase = true,
bool  _useReceivedFormulaAsPremise = false,
const std::vector< FormulaT > &  _premise = std::vector<FormulaT>() 

Definition at line 1098 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ branchAt() [2/4]

bool smtrat::Module::branchAt ( carl::Variable::Arg  _var,
const Rational _value,
std::vector< FormulaT > &&  _premise,
bool  _leftCaseWeak = true,
bool  _preferLeftCase = true,
bool  _useReceivedFormulaAsPremise = false 

Definition at line 1093 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ branchAt() [3/4]

bool smtrat::Module::branchAt ( const Poly _polynomial,
bool  _integral,
const Rational _value,
bool  _leftCaseWeak = true,
bool  _preferLeftCase = true,
bool  _useReceivedFormulaAsPremise = false,
const std::vector< FormulaT > &  _premise = std::vector<FormulaT>() 

Definition at line 1088 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ branchAt() [4/4]

bool smtrat::Module::branchAt ( const Poly _polynomial,
bool  _integral,
const Rational _value,
std::vector< FormulaT > &&  _premise,
bool  _leftCaseWeak = true,
bool  _preferLeftCase = true,
bool  _useReceivedFormulaAsPremise = false 

Adds a lemmas which provoke a branching for the given variable at the given value, if this module returns Unknown and there exists a preceding SATModule.

Note that the given value is rounded down and up, if the given variable is integer-valued.

_polynomialThe variable to branch for.
_integralA flag being true, if all variables in the polynomial to branch for are integral.
_valueThe value to branch at.
_premiseThe sub-formulas of the received formula from which the branch is followed. Note, that a premise is not necessary, as every branch is a valid formula. But a premise can prevent from branching unnecessarily.
_leftCaseWeaktrue, if a branching in the form of (or (<= p b) (> p b)) is desired. false, if a branching in the form of (or (< p b) (>= p b)) is desired.
_preferLeftCasetrue, if the left case (polynomial less(or equal) 0 shall be chosen first. false, otherwise.
_useReceivedFormulaAsPremisetrue, if the whole received formula should be used as premise

Definition at line 478 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ check()

Answer smtrat::Module::check ( bool  _final = false,
bool  _full = true,
carl::Variable  _objective = carl::Variable::NO_VARIABLE 

Checks the received formula for consistency.

Note, that this is an implementation of the satisfiability check of the conjunction of the so far received formulas, which does actually nothing but passing the problem to its backends. This implementation is only used internally and must be overwritten by any derived module.

_finaltrue, if this satisfiability check will be the last one (for a global sat-check), if its result is SAT
_fullfalse, if this module should avoid too expensive procedures and rather return unknown instead.
_objectiveif not set to NO_VARIABLE, the module should find an assignment minimizing this objective variable; otherwise any assignment is good.
True, if the received formula is satisfiable; False, if the received formula is not satisfiable; Unknown, otherwise.

Reimplemented in smtrat::PModule.

Definition at line 86 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkCore()

Answer smtrat::Module::checkCore ( )

Checks the received formula for consistency.

Note, that this is an implementation of the satisfiability check of the conjunction of the so far received formulas, which does actually nothing but passing the problem to its backends. This implementation is only used internally and must be overwritten by any derived module.

True, if the received formula is satisfiable; False, if the received formula is not satisfiable; Unknown, otherwise.

Reimplemented in smtrat::VSModule< Settings >, smtrat::SymmetryModule< Settings >, smtrat::STropModule< Settings >, smtrat::SplitSOSModule< Settings >, smtrat::SATModule< Settings >, smtrat::PNFerModule, smtrat::PFEModule< Settings >, smtrat::PBPPModule< Settings >, smtrat::PBGaussModule< Settings >, smtrat::NRAILModule< Settings >, smtrat::NewGBPPModule< Settings >, smtrat::NewCoveringModule< Settings >, smtrat::NewCADModule< Settings >, smtrat::MCBModule< Settings >, smtrat::LVEModule< Settings >, smtrat::LRAModule< Settings >, smtrat::LRAModule< smtrat::LRASettings1 >, smtrat::LRAModule< smtrat::LRASettingsICP >, smtrat::IntEqModule< Settings >, smtrat::IntBlastModule< Settings >, smtrat::IncWidthModule< Settings >, smtrat::ICPModule< Settings >, smtrat::ICPModule< smtrat::ICPSettings1 >, smtrat::ICPModule< smtrat::ICPSettings4 >, smtrat::ICEModule< Settings >, smtrat::GBPPModule< Settings >, smtrat::GBModule< Settings >, smtrat::FPPModule< Settings >, smtrat::ESModule< Settings >, smtrat::EMModule< Settings >, smtrat::CurryModule< Settings >, smtrat::CubeLIAModule< Settings >, smtrat::CSplitModule< Settings >, smtrat::CoveringNGModule< Settings >, smtrat::CNFerModule, smtrat::BVModule< Settings >, and smtrat::BEModule< Settings >.

Definition at line 207 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ checkInfSubsetForMinimality()

void smtrat::Module::checkInfSubsetForMinimality ( std::vector< FormulaSetT >::const_iterator  _infsubset,
const std::string &  _filename = "smaller_muses",
unsigned  _maxSizeDifference = 1 
) const

Checks the given infeasible subset for minimality by storing all subsets of it, which have a smaller size which differs from the size of the infeasible subset not more than the given threshold.

_infsubsetThe infeasible subset to check for minimality.
_filenameThe name of the file to store the infeasible subsets in order to be able to check their infeasibility.
_maxSizeDifferenceThe maximal difference between the sizes of the subsets compared to the size of the infeasible subset.

Definition at line 1018 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ checkModel()

unsigned smtrat::Module::checkModel ( ) const
false, if the current model of this module does not satisfy the current given formula; true, if it cannot be said whether the model satisfies the given formula.

Definition at line 588 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ cleanModel()

void smtrat::Module::cleanModel ( ) const

Substitutes variable occurrences by its model value in the model values of other variables.

Definition at line 771 of file Module.h.

◆ clearLemmas()

void smtrat::Module::clearLemmas ( )

Deletes all yet found lemmas.

Definition at line 550 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearModel()

void smtrat::Module::clearModel ( ) const

Clears the assignment, if any was found.

Definition at line 749 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ clearModels()

void smtrat::Module::clearModels ( ) const

Clears all assignments, if any was found.

Definition at line 758 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ clearPassedFormula()

void smtrat::Module::clearPassedFormula ( )

Definition at line 850 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ collectOrigins() [1/2]

void smtrat::Module::collectOrigins ( const FormulaT _formula,
FormulaSetT _origins 
) const

Definition at line 980 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ collectOrigins() [2/2]

void smtrat::Module::collectOrigins ( const FormulaT _formula,
FormulasT _origins 
) const

Collects the formulas in the given formula, which are part of the received formula.

If the given formula directly occurs in the received formula, it is inserted into the given set. Otherwise, the given formula must be of type AND and all its sub-formulas part of the received formula. Hence, they will be added to the given set.

_formulaThe formula from which to collect the formulas being sub-formulas of the received formula (origins).
_originsThe set in which to store the origins.

Definition at line 960 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ collectTheoryPropagations()

void smtrat::Module::collectTheoryPropagations ( )

Definition at line 928 of file Module.cpp.

◆ constraintsToInform()

const carl::FastSet<FormulaT>& smtrat::Module::constraintsToInform ( ) const
The constraints which the backends must be informed about.

Definition at line 496 of file Module.h.

◆ currentlySatisfied()

virtual unsigned smtrat::Module::currentlySatisfied ( const FormulaT ) const
0, if the given formula is conflicted by the current model; 1, if the given formula is satisfied by the current model; 2, otherwise; 3, if we do not know anything (default)

Reimplemented in smtrat::LRAModule< Settings >, smtrat::LRAModule< smtrat::LRASettings1 >, and smtrat::LRAModule< smtrat::LRASettingsICP >.

Definition at line 372 of file Module.h.

◆ currentlySatisfiedByBackend()

unsigned smtrat::Module::currentlySatisfiedByBackend ( const FormulaT _formula) const
0, if the given formula is conflicted by the current model; 1, if the given formula is satisfied by the current model; 2, otherwise 3, if we do not know anything (default)

Definition at line 296 of file Module.cpp.

◆ deinform()

void smtrat::Module::deinform ( const FormulaT _constraint)

The inverse of informing about a constraint.

All data structures which were kept regarding this constraint are going to be removed. Note, that this makes only sense if it is not likely enough that a formula with this constraint must be solved again.

_constraintThe constraint to remove from internal data structures.

Definition at line 124 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ deinformCore()

virtual void smtrat::Module::deinformCore ( [[maybe_unused] ] const FormulaT _constraint)

The inverse of informing about a constraint.

All data structures which were kept regarding this constraint are going to be removed. Note, that this makes only sense if it is not likely enough that a formula with this constraint must be solved again.

_constraintThe constraint to remove from internal data structures.

Definition at line 695 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ determine_smallest_origin()

size_t smtrat::Module::determine_smallest_origin ( const std::vector< FormulaT > &  origins) const
originsA vector of sets of origins.
The index of the smallest (regarding the size of the sets) element of origins

Definition at line 403 of file Module.cpp.

◆ eraseSubformulaFromPassedFormula()

ModuleInput::iterator smtrat::Module::eraseSubformulaFromPassedFormula ( ModuleInput::iterator  _subformula,
bool  _ignoreOrigins = false 

Removes everything related to the sub-formula to remove from the passed formula in the backends of this module.

Afterwards the sub-formula is removed from the passed formula.

_subformulaThe sub-formula to remove from the passed formula.
_ignoreOriginsTrue, if the sub-formula shall be removed regardless of its origins (should only be applied with expertise).

Reimplemented in smtrat::ICPModule< Settings >, smtrat::ICPModule< smtrat::ICPSettings1 >, and smtrat::ICPModule< smtrat::ICPSettings4 >.

Definition at line 807 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ excludeNotReceivedVariablesFromModel()

void smtrat::Module::excludeNotReceivedVariablesFromModel ( ) const

Excludes all variables from the current model, which do not occur in the received formula.

Definition at line 884 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ findBestOrigin()

std::vector< FormulaT >::const_iterator smtrat::Module::findBestOrigin ( const std::vector< FormulaT > &  _origins) const

Definition at line 691 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firstSubformulaToPass()

ModuleInput::const_iterator smtrat::Module::firstSubformulaToPass ( ) const
The position of the first sub-formula in the passed formula, which has not yet been considered for a consistency check of the backends.

Definition at line 581 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ firstUncheckedReceivedSubformula()

ModuleInput::const_iterator smtrat::Module::firstUncheckedReceivedSubformula ( ) const
The position of the first (by this module) unchecked sub-formula of the received formula.

Definition at line 573 of file Module.h.

◆ foundAnswer()

Answer smtrat::Module::foundAnswer ( Answer  _answer)

Sets the solver state to the given answer value.

This method also fires the flag given by the antecessor module of this module to true, if the given answer value is not Unknown.

_answerThe found answer.

Definition at line 856 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ freeSplittingVariable()

static void smtrat::Module::freeSplittingVariable ( const FormulaT _splittingVariable)

Definition at line 509 of file Module.h.

◆ generateTrivialInfeasibleSubset()

void smtrat::Module::generateTrivialInfeasibleSubset ( )

Stores the trivial infeasible subset being the set of received formulas.

Definition at line 909 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getBackendsAllModels()

void smtrat::Module::getBackendsAllModels ( ) const

Stores all models of a backend in the list of all models of this module.

Definition at line 669 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getBackendsModel()

void smtrat::Module::getBackendsModel ( ) const

Definition at line 652 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInfeasibleSubsets() [1/2]

void smtrat::Module::getInfeasibleSubsets ( )

Copies the infeasible subsets of the passed formula.

Definition at line 596 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getInfeasibleSubsets() [2/2]

std::vector< FormulaSetT > smtrat::Module::getInfeasibleSubsets ( const Module _backend) const

Get the infeasible subsets the given backend provides.

Note, that an infeasible subset in a backend contains sub formulas of the passed formula and an infeasible subset of this module contains sub formulas of the received formula. In this method the LATTER is returned.

_backendThe backend from which to obtain the infeasible subsets.
The infeasible subsets the given backend provides.

Definition at line 709 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getInformationRelevantFormulas()

const std::set< FormulaT > & smtrat::Module::getInformationRelevantFormulas ( )

Gets all InformationRelevantFormulas.

Set of all formulas

Definition at line 1074 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getModelEqualities()

std::list< std::vector< carl::Variable > > smtrat::Module::getModelEqualities ( ) const

Partition the variables from the current model into equivalence classes according to their assigned value.

The result is a set of equivalence classes of variables where all variables within one class are assigned the same value. Note that the number of classes may not be minimal, i.e. two classes may actually be equivalent.

Equivalence classes.

Definition at line 308 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getOrigins() [1/3]

void smtrat::Module::getOrigins ( const FormulaT _formula,
FormulaSetT _origins 
) const

Definition at line 968 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getOrigins() [2/3]

void smtrat::Module::getOrigins ( const FormulaT _formula,
FormulasT _origins 
) const

Definition at line 955 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ getOrigins() [3/3]

const FormulaT& smtrat::Module::getOrigins ( ModuleInput::const_iterator  _formula) const

Gets the origins of the passed formula at the given position.

_formulaThe position of a formula in the passed formulas.
The origins of the passed formula at the given position.

Definition at line 808 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ getReceivedFormulaSimplified()

std::pair< bool, FormulaT > smtrat::Module::getReceivedFormulaSimplified ( )
A pair of a Boolean and a formula, where the Boolean is true, if the received formula could be simplified to an equisatisfiable formula. The formula is equisatisfiable to this module's reveived formula, if the Boolean is true.

Reimplemented in smtrat::PModule.

Definition at line 945 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ hasLemmas()

bool smtrat::Module::hasLemmas ( )

Checks whether this module or any of its backends provides any lemmas.

Definition at line 532 of file Module.h.

◆ hasValidInfeasibleSubset()

bool smtrat::Module::hasValidInfeasibleSubset ( ) const
true, if the module has at least one valid infeasible subset, that is all its elements are sub-formulas of the received formula (pointer must be equal).

Definition at line 1000 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ id()

std::size_t smtrat::Module::id ( ) const
A unique ID to identify this module instance.

Definition at line 396 of file Module.h.

◆ infeasibleSubsets()

const std::vector<FormulaSetT>& smtrat::Module::infeasibleSubsets ( ) const
The infeasible subsets of the set of received formulas (empty, if this module has not detected unsatisfiability of the conjunction of received formulas.

Definition at line 480 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ inform()

bool smtrat::Module::inform ( const FormulaT _constraint)

Informs the module about the given constraint.

It should be tried to inform this module about any constraint it could receive eventually before assertSubformula is called (preferably for the first time, but at least before adding a formula containing that constraint).

_constraintThe constraint to inform about.
false, if it can be easily decided whether the given constraint is inconsistent; true, otherwise.

Definition at line 117 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ informBackends()

void smtrat::Module::informBackends ( const FormulaT _constraint)

Informs all backends of this module about the given constraint.

_constraintThe constraint to inform about.

Definition at line 836 of file Module.h.

◆ informCore()

virtual bool smtrat::Module::informCore ( [[maybe_unused] ] const FormulaT _constraint)

Informs the module about the given constraint.

It should be tried to inform this module about any constraint it could receive eventually before assertSubformula is called (preferably for the first time, but at least before adding a formula containing that constraint).

_constraintThe constraint to inform about.
false, if it can be easily decided whether the given constraint is inconsistent; true, otherwise.

Definition at line 684 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ informedConstraints()

const carl::FastSet<FormulaT>& smtrat::Module::informedConstraints ( ) const
The position of the first constraint of which no backend has been informed about.

Definition at line 504 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ init()

void smtrat::Module::init ( )

Informs all backends about the so far encountered constraints, which have not yet been communicated.

This method must not be called twice and only before the first runBackends call.

Reimplemented in smtrat::PBPPModule< Settings >, smtrat::PBGaussModule< Settings >, smtrat::NRAILModule< Settings >, smtrat::NewCoveringModule< Settings >, smtrat::NewCADModule< Settings >, smtrat::LRAModule< Settings >, smtrat::LRAModule< smtrat::LRASettings1 >, smtrat::LRAModule< smtrat::LRASettingsICP >, smtrat::IntBlastModule< Settings >, smtrat::FPPModule< Settings >, smtrat::CurryModule< Settings >, and smtrat::BVModule< Settings >.

Definition at line 234 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ is_minimizing()

bool smtrat::Module::is_minimizing ( ) const

Definition at line 623 of file Module.h.

◆ isLemmaLevel()

bool smtrat::Module::isLemmaLevel ( LemmaLevel  level)

Checks if current lemma level is greater or equal to given level.

levelLevel to check.

Definition at line 1079 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ isPreprocessor()

bool smtrat::Module::isPreprocessor ( ) const
true, if this module is a preprocessor that is a module, which simplifies its received formula to an equisatisfiable formula being passed to its backends. The simplified formula can be obtained with getReceivedFormulaSimplified().

Definition at line 607 of file Module.h.

◆ lemmas()

const std::vector<Lemma>& smtrat::Module::lemmas ( ) const
A constant reference to the lemmas being valid formulas this module or its backends made.

Definition at line 565 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ merge()

std::vector< FormulaT > smtrat::Module::merge ( const std::vector< FormulaT > &  _vecSetA,
const std::vector< FormulaT > &  _vecSetB 
) const

Merges the two vectors of sets into the first one.

({a,b},{a,c}) and ({b,d},{b}) -> ({a,b,d},{a,b},{a,b,c,d},{a,b,c})

_vecSetAA vector of sets of constraints.
_vecSetBA vector of sets of constraints.
The vector being the two given vectors merged.

Definition at line 377 of file Module.cpp.

◆ model()

const Model& smtrat::Module::model ( ) const
The assignment of the current satisfiable result, if existent.

Definition at line 463 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ modelsDisjoint()

bool smtrat::Module::modelsDisjoint ( const Model _modelA,
const Model _modelB 

Checks whether there is no variable assigned by both models.

_modelAThe first model to check for.
_modelBThe second model to check for.
true, if there is no variable assigned by both models; false, otherwise.

Definition at line 611 of file Module.cpp.

◆ moduleName()

◆ objective()

carl::Variable smtrat::Module::objective ( ) const

Definition at line 619 of file Module.h.

◆ originInReceivedFormula()

bool smtrat::Module::originInReceivedFormula ( const FormulaT _origin) const

Definition at line 352 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ passedFormulaBegin()

ModuleInput::iterator smtrat::Module::passedFormulaBegin ( )
An iterator to the end of the passed formula. TODO: disable this method

Definition at line 780 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ passedFormulaEnd()

ModuleInput::iterator smtrat::Module::passedFormulaEnd ( )
An iterator to the end of the passed formula.

Definition at line 788 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ pPassedFormula()

const ModuleInput* smtrat::Module::pPassedFormula ( ) const
A pointer to the formula passed to the backends of this module.

Definition at line 447 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ pReceivedFormula()

const ModuleInput* smtrat::Module::pReceivedFormula ( ) const
A pointer to the formula passed to this module.

Definition at line 431 of file Module.h.

◆ print()

void smtrat::Module::print ( const std::string &  _initiation = "***") const

Prints everything relevant of the solver.

_initiationThe line initiation.

Definition at line 1085 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ printAllModels()

void smtrat::Module::printAllModels ( std::ostream &  _out = std::cout)

Prints all assignments of this module satisfying its received formula if it satisfiable and this module could find an assignment.

_outThe stream to print the assignment on.

Definition at line 1161 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ printInfeasibleSubsets()

void smtrat::Module::printInfeasibleSubsets ( const std::string &  _initiation = "***") const

Prints the infeasible subsets.

_initiationThe line initiation.

Definition at line 1136 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ printModel()

void smtrat::Module::printModel ( std::ostream &  _out = std::cout) const

Prints the assignment of this module satisfying its received formula if it satisfiable and this module could find an assignment.

_outThe stream to print the assignment on.

Definition at line 1151 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ printPassedFormula()

void smtrat::Module::printPassedFormula ( const std::string &  _initiation = "***") const

Prints the vector of passed formula.

_initiationThe line initiation.

Definition at line 1118 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ printReceivedFormula()

void smtrat::Module::printReceivedFormula ( const std::string &  _initiation = "***") const

Prints the vector of the received formula.

_initiationThe line initiation.

Definition at line 1105 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ probablyLooping()

bool smtrat::Module::probablyLooping ( const typename Poly::PolyType &  _branchingPolynomial,
const Rational _branchingValue 
) const

Checks whether given the current branching value and branching variable/polynomial it is (highly) probable that this branching is part of an infinite loop of branchings.

_branchingPolynomialThe polynomial to branch at (in most branching strategies this is just a variable).
_branchingValueThe value to branch at.
true, if this branching is probably part of an infinite loop of branchings; false, otherwise.

Definition at line 426 of file Module.cpp.

◆ receivedFormulaChecked()

void smtrat::Module::receivedFormulaChecked ( )

Notifies that the received formulas has been checked.

Definition at line 589 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ receivedFormulasAsInfeasibleSubset()

void smtrat::Module::receivedFormulasAsInfeasibleSubset ( ModuleInput::const_iterator  _subformula)

Stores an infeasible subset consisting only of the given received formula.

Definition at line 920 of file Module.h.

◆ receivedVariable()

bool smtrat::Module::receivedVariable ( carl::Variable::Arg  _var) const

Definition at line 377 of file Module.h.

◆ remove()

void smtrat::Module::remove ( ModuleInput::const_iterator  _subformula)

Removes everything related to the given sub-formula of the received formula.

However, it is desired not to lose track of search spaces where no satisfying assignment can be found for the remaining sub-formulas.

_subformulaThe sub formula of the received formula to remove.

Reimplemented in smtrat::PModule.

Definition at line 159 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeCore()

virtual void smtrat::Module::removeCore ( [[maybe_unused] ] ModuleInput::const_iterator  formula)

Removes everything related to the given sub-formula of the received formula.

However, it is desired not to lose track of search spaces where no satisfying assignment can be found for the remaining sub-formulas.

formulaThe sub formula of the received formula to remove.

Definition at line 729 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ removeOrigin()

std::pair<ModuleInput::iterator,bool> smtrat::Module::removeOrigin ( ModuleInput::iterator  _formula,
const FormulaT _origin 

Definition at line 814 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ removeOrigins()

std::pair<ModuleInput::iterator,bool> smtrat::Module::removeOrigins ( ModuleInput::iterator  _formula,
const std::shared_ptr< std::vector< FormulaT >> &  _origins 

Definition at line 823 of file Module.h.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ rPassedFormula()

const ModuleInput& smtrat::Module::rPassedFormula ( ) const
A reference to the formula passed to the backends of this module.

Definition at line 455 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ rReceivedFormula()

const ModuleInput& smtrat::Module::rReceivedFormula ( ) const
A reference to the formula passed to this module.

Definition at line 439 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ runBackends() [1/2]

virtual Answer smtrat::Module::runBackends ( )

Reimplemented in smtrat::PModule.

Definition at line 1012 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ runBackends() [2/2]

Answer smtrat::Module::runBackends ( bool  _final,
bool  _full,
carl::Variable  _objective 

Runs the backend solvers on the passed formula.

_finaltrue, if this satisfiability check will be the last one (for a global sat-check), if its result is SAT
_fullfalse, if this module should avoid too expensive procedures and rather return unknown instead.
_objectiveif not set to NO_VARIABLE, the module should find an assignment minimizing this objective variable; otherwise any assignment is good.
True, if the passed formula is consistent; False, if the passed formula is inconsistent; Unknown, otherwise.

Reimplemented in smtrat::PModule.

Definition at line 727 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ setId()

void smtrat::Module::setId ( std::size_t  _id)

Sets this modules unique ID to identify itself.

_idThe id to set this module's id to.

Definition at line 405 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ setThreadPriority()

void smtrat::Module::setThreadPriority ( thread_priority  _threadPriority)

Sets the priority of this module to get a thread for running its check procedure.

_threadPriorityThe priority to set this module's thread priority to.

Definition at line 423 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ solverState()

Answer smtrat::Module::solverState ( ) const
True, if this module is in a state, such that it has found a solution for its received formula; False, if this module is in a state, such that it has determined that there is no solution for its received formula; Unknown, otherwise.

Definition at line 388 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ splitUnequalConstraint()

void smtrat::Module::splitUnequalConstraint ( const FormulaT _unequalConstraint)

Adds the following lemmas for the given constraint p!=0.

 (p!=0 <-> (p<0 or p>0))

and not(p<0 and p>0)

_unequalConstraintA constraint having the relation symbol !=.

Definition at line 565 of file Module.cpp.

◆ threadPriority()

thread_priority smtrat::Module::threadPriority ( ) const
The priority of this module to get a thread for running its check procedure.

Definition at line 414 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateAllModels()

void smtrat::Module::updateAllModels ( )

Updates all satisfying models, if the solver has detected the consistency of the received formula, beforehand.

Reimplemented in smtrat::SATModule< Settings >.

Definition at line 261 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateLemmas()

void smtrat::Module::updateLemmas ( )

Stores all lemmas of any backend of this module in its own lemma vector.

Definition at line 919 of file Module.cpp.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ updateModel()

◆ usedBackends()

const std::vector<Module*>& smtrat::Module::usedBackends ( ) const
The backends of this module which are currently used (conditions to use this module are fulfilled for the passed formula).

Definition at line 488 of file Module.h.

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Field Documentation

◆ mAllBackends

std::vector<Module*> smtrat::Module::mAllBackends

The backends of this module which have been used.

Definition at line 227 of file Module.h.

◆ mAllModels

std::vector<Model> smtrat::Module::mAllModels

Stores all satisfying assignments.

Definition at line 201 of file Module.h.

◆ Manager

friend smtrat::Module::Manager

Definition at line 71 of file Module.h.

◆ mBackendsFoundAnswer

std::atomic_bool* smtrat::Module::mBackendsFoundAnswer

This flag is passed to any backend and if it determines an answer to a prior check call, this flag is fired.

Definition at line 220 of file Module.h.

◆ mConstraintsToInform

carl::FastSet<FormulaT> smtrat::Module::mConstraintsToInform

Stores the constraints which the backends must be informed about.

Definition at line 233 of file Module.h.

◆ mFinalCheck

bool smtrat::Module::mFinalCheck

true, if the check procedure should perform a final check which especially means not to postpone splitting decisions

Definition at line 205 of file Module.h.

◆ mFirstPosInLastBranches

std::size_t smtrat::Module::mFirstPosInLastBranches = 0

The beginning of the cyclic buffer storing the last branches.

Definition at line 275 of file Module.h.

◆ mFirstSubformulaToPass

ModuleInput::iterator smtrat::Module::mFirstSubformulaToPass

Stores the position of the first sub-formula in the passed formula, which has not yet been considered for a consistency check of the backends.

Definition at line 231 of file Module.h.

◆ mFirstUncheckedReceivedSubformula

ModuleInput::const_iterator smtrat::Module::mFirstUncheckedReceivedSubformula

Stores the position of the first (by this module) unchecked sub-formula of the received formula.

Definition at line 237 of file Module.h.

◆ mFoundAnswer

Conditionals smtrat::Module::mFoundAnswer

Vector of Booleans: If any of them is true, we have to terminate a running check procedure.

Definition at line 223 of file Module.h.

◆ mFullCheck

bool smtrat::Module::mFullCheck

false, if this module should avoid too expensive procedures and rather return unknown instead.

Definition at line 207 of file Module.h.

◆ mId

std::size_t smtrat::Module::mId

A unique ID to identify this module instance. (Could be useful but currently nowhere used)

Definition at line 184 of file Module.h.

◆ mInfeasibleSubsets

std::vector<FormulaSetT> smtrat::Module::mInfeasibleSubsets

Stores the infeasible subsets.

Definition at line 195 of file Module.h.

◆ mInformedConstraints

carl::FastSet<FormulaT> smtrat::Module::mInformedConstraints

Stores the position of the first constraint of which no backend has been informed about.

Definition at line 235 of file Module.h.

◆ mLastBranches

std::vector< Branching > smtrat::Module::mLastBranches = std::vector<Branching>(mNumOfBranchVarsToStore, Branching(typename Poly::PolyType(), 0))

Stores the last branches in a cycle buffer.

Definition at line 273 of file Module.h.

◆ mLemmas

std::vector<Lemma> smtrat::Module::mLemmas

Stores the lemmas being valid formulas this module or its backends made.

Definition at line 229 of file Module.h.

◆ mModel

Model smtrat::Module::mModel

Stores the assignment of the current satisfiable result, if existent.

Definition at line 199 of file Module.h.

◆ mModelComputed

bool smtrat::Module::mModelComputed

True, if the model has already been computed.

Definition at line 203 of file Module.h.

◆ mModuleName

std::string smtrat::Module::mModuleName

Definition at line 191 of file Module.h.

◆ mNumOfBranchVarsToStore

std::size_t smtrat::Module::mNumOfBranchVarsToStore = 5

The number of different variables to consider for a probable infinite loop of branchings.

Definition at line 271 of file Module.h.

◆ mObjectiveVariable

carl::Variable smtrat::Module::mObjectiveVariable

Objective variable to be minimized. If set to NO_VARIABLE, a normal sat check should be performed.

Definition at line 209 of file Module.h.

◆ mOldSplittingVariables

std::vector< FormulaT > smtrat::Module::mOldSplittingVariables

Reusable splitting variables.

Definition at line 277 of file Module.h.

◆ mpManager

Manager* const smtrat::Module::mpManager

A reference to the manager.

Definition at line 197 of file Module.h.

◆ mpPassedFormula

ModuleInput* smtrat::Module::mpPassedFormula

The formula passed to the backends of this module.

Definition at line 190 of file Module.h.

◆ mpReceivedFormula

const ModuleInput* smtrat::Module::mpReceivedFormula

The formula passed to this module.

Definition at line 188 of file Module.h.

◆ mSmallerMusesCheckCounter

unsigned smtrat::Module::mSmallerMusesCheckCounter

Counter used for the generation of the smt2 files to check for smaller muses.

Definition at line 239 of file Module.h.

◆ mSolverState

std::atomic<Answer> smtrat::Module::mSolverState

States whether the received formula is known to be satisfiable or unsatisfiable otherwise it is set to unknown.

Definition at line 215 of file Module.h.

◆ mStatistics

ModuleStatistics& smtrat::Module::mStatistics = statistics_get<ModuleStatistics>(moduleName())

Definition at line 192 of file Module.h.

◆ mTheoryPropagations

std::vector<TheoryPropagation> smtrat::Module::mTheoryPropagations

Definition at line 211 of file Module.h.

◆ mThreadPriority

thread_priority smtrat::Module::mThreadPriority

The priority of this module to get a thread for running its check procedure.

Definition at line 186 of file Module.h.

◆ mUsedBackends

std::vector<Module*> smtrat::Module::mUsedBackends

The backends of this module which are currently used (conditions to use this module are fulfilled for the passed formula).

Definition at line 225 of file Module.h.

◆ mVariableCounters

std::vector<std::size_t> smtrat::Module::mVariableCounters

Maps variables to the number of their occurrences.

Definition at line 241 of file Module.h.

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