carl  25.02
Computer ARithmetic Library
Building with CMake

We use CMake to support the building process. CMake is a command line tool available for all major platforms. To simplify the building process on Unix, we suggest using CCMake.

CMake generates a Makefile likewise to Autotools' configure. We suggest initiating this procedure from a separate build directory, called 'out-of-source' building. This keeps the source directory free from files created during the building process.

CMake Options for building CArL.

Run ccmake to obtain a list of all available options or change them.

$ cd build/
$ ccmake ../

Using [t], you can enable the advanced mode that shows all options. Most of these should not be changed by the average user.


  • CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE [Release, Debug]
    • Release
    • Debug
  • CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER <compiler command>
    • /usr/bin/c++: Default for most linux distributions, will probably be an alias for g++.
    • /usr/bin/g++: Uses g++.
    • /usr/bin/clang++: Uses clang.
    If set to ON, CLN number types can be used in addition to GMP number types.
    If set to ON, CoCoALib can be used for advanced polynomial operations, for example multivariate gcd or factorization.
    If set to ON, GiNaC can be used for some polynomial operations. Note that this implies USE_CLN_NUMBERS = ON.


    Enables additional compiler warnings.
    Setting LOGGING to OFF disables all logging output. It is recommended if the performance should be maximized, but notice that this also prevents important warnings and error messages to be generated.

CMake Targets

There are a few important targets in the CArL CMakeLists:

  • doc: Builds the doxygen documentation.
  • libs: Builds all libraries.
  • runXTests: Builds the tests for the X module.
  • test: Build and run all tests.