carl  25.02
Computer ARithmetic Library

To build and use CArL, you need the following other software:

  • git to checkout the git repository.
  • cmake to generate the make files.
  • g++ or clang to compile.

We use C++17 and thus need at least g++ 7 or clang 5.

Optional dependencies

  • ccmake to set cmake flags.
  • doxygen and doxygen-latex to build the documentation.
  • gtest to build the test cases.

Additionally, CArL requires a few external libraries, which are installed automatically by CMake if no local version is available:

  • boost for several additional libraries.
  • gmp for calculations with large numbers.
  • Eigen3 for numerical computations.

To simplify the installation process, all these libraries can be built by CArL automatically if it is not available on your system. You can do this manually by running

make resources