carl  25.02
Computer ARithmetic Library
Code style

Please follow these guidelines for new code. We are migrating old code over the time.

Code formatting

ClangFormat allows to define code style rules and format source files automatically. A .clang-format file is provided with the repository. Please use this file to format all sources.

Naming conventions

For all new code, the following rules apply.

  • type names and template parameter: CamelCase
  • variable and function names: snake_case
  • compiler macros and defines: ALL_UPPERCASE
  • enum values: UPPERCASE
  • (private) class members: start with m_ respectively mp_ for pointers and mr_ for references
  • type traits: snake_case and end with _type
  • namespace: snake_case

Use of classes, structs and functions

We follow a Rust-style approach where we define data structures and attach basic operations that as methods to it. All functionality that can be considered optional is realized via free functions.

Directory structure and namespaces

  • Libraries
    • Dependencies between libraries are acyclic!
  • Folders and files
    • A folder represents a module.
    • A file contains either of the following:
      • a data structure, a collection of related data structures and basic functionality,
      • free functions that operate on data structures.
    • Dependencies between folders on the same level need to be acyclic.
    • Either all files in a directory depend on subdirectories in the same folder or subdirectories depend on files from the parent directory, but not both.
  • Namespaces
    • CArL lives within the carl namespace.
    • Each library has its own sub-namespace, except carl-common, carl-arithmetic, carl-formula, carl-extpolys.
    • Auxiliary functions are in an appropriate sub-namespace.

C++ features

  • As of now, please stick to C++17 features.
  • Use enum class instead of enum.